7 Must-Have Features for Sims 5 Base Game from Sims 4 Packs

7 Must-Have Features for Sims 5 Base Game from Sims 4 Packs

Fun and Exciting Features We Want in The Sims 5

The Sims 4 High School Years

Hey there, fellow Simmers! We all love The Sims 4, but let’s face it, the sheer number of DLC packs can sometimes be overwhelming. It’s like they’re opening a store inside the game! However, as the hype for The Sims 5 builds up, it’s only natural to start speculating about the features we’d love to see in the next generation of Simming madness. So, let’s dive into some of the most popular options!

7. Playable School: High School Years, Discover University

The Sims 4 Sim holding their dog

Who says school can’t be fun? Whether it’s high school or university, attending school has always been part of the Sim experience. While we’ve had expansion packs like Discover University, The Sims 5 should take it a step further and make school a base game feature. Imagine your teenage Sim living independently and navigating the ups and downs of school life. No more commuting to Britechester every morning, woohoo!

6. Pets, Pets, and More Pets!

The Sims 4 couple celebrating Winterfest

Who doesn’t love furry companions in their Sim world? The Sims 4 had us going wild over pets, but it’s time for The Sims 5 to make them a default part of the game. No more DLC for DLC nonsense! Let every Simmer have access to fluffy friends right from the start. Come on, EA, let’s fill our virtual homes with cute cats and playful pooches without breaking our Simoleons.

5. Seasons Galore

The Sims 4 Sim autographing for the Grim Reaper

It’s time to make every season special without needing an expansion pack! Seasons have always brought joy to the Sims universe, and The Sims 5 shouldn’t leave them out in the cold. Imagine celebrating winter fests, spring flings, and everything in between as part of the base game. We want snowball fights, vibrant foliage, and all the delightful seasonal surprises that make our Sim lives feel alive and exciting.

4. Fame & Social Media, Without the Glitches

The Sims 4 Sim reading to his child

Being famous and social media-savvy should go hand in hand, right? Well, The Sims 4 missed a few followers on that one. In The Sims 5, let’s have a seamless integration of fame and social media mechanics right from the start. No more backpedaling or glitchy gameplay. We want our super-famous Sims to have thousands of followers, even if they only post a selfie once in a celestial blue moon.

3. Family Dynamics, Making Relationships Shine

The Sims 4 Sim with freckles

Family life is at the heart of The Sims, and The Sims 5 should prioritize the intricacies of family dynamics. The last expansion pack, Growing Together, brought us closer to realistic family gameplay. Let’s take it a step further and give players the tools to create complex relationships right out of the gate. Building up a strong Sim family should be as engaging as building that perfect dream house.

2. Small Details, Big Impact

The Sims 4 Scientist

Life is all about the small but meaningful moments, and that should hold true in The Sims 5 as well. Pimples, loose teeth, birthmarks, and freckles may seem like tiny details, but they add depth and realism to our Sim world. Let’s not lock them behind packs this time. EA, please sprinkle these features throughout the base game, so we can focus on the big picture without missing out on the small joys.

1. Action-Packed Careers

The Sims 4 Sim autographing for the Grim Reaper

Work is a big part of our lives, and The Sims 4 introduced us to the concept of active careers. Now, it’s time for The Sims 5 to take it up a notch. We want more active careers that let us immerse ourselves in the daily grind, complete tasks, and explore different workplaces. Sure, some of these careers may need some fine-tuning, but they’re still undeniably fun. Let’s have them as a base game feature, EA, and keep the career packs coming!

These are just some of the features we hope to see in The Sims 5. We’re crossing our fingers that EA listens to our Simtastic wishes and brings us a game packed with excitement and surprises. Until then, keep Simming to your heart’s content!

The Sims 4 is available on PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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