Age Of Wonders 4: Console Commands & Cheat Codes Guide

Age Of Wonders 4: Console Commands & Cheat Codes Guide

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Cheats and console commands can offer you a great number of ways to tinker with a game’s various parameters and features to either make it easier, more difficult, or incredibly goofy. Age of Wonders 4, the latest installment in Paradox Interactive’s turn-based strategy franchise, is no exception.

Age of Wonders 4

Perhaps you would like to spawn vast amounts of wealth or completely uncover the world map. Maybe you would like for your magical research to be completed instantly and turn any selected city into a vassal for your empire. Read on to learn the many console commands and cheats available in Age of Wonders 4 along with how to activate them in-game.

How To Enable Console Commands In Age Of Wonders 4

Before you can begin manipulating the realms of Age Of Wonders 4 like an omniscient god, you must first familiarize yourself with the tool that will allow you to tweak the game to your liking.

Enable Console Commands

Fortunately for you, unlocking the power of Age Of Wonders 4 cheats is a breeze.

Once you enter your game and have let the map load, press CTRL + ALT + C to prompt a dialogue box to emerge in the lower center section of your screen. It’s here that you can input the various cheats and console commands to play with unconstrained power.

All Console Commands For Age Of Wonders 4

Console Commands

There are numerous codes that each provide a different effect, ranging from immediately boosting resources, tinkering with units and skills, altering alGameTopicment and relations, and affecting victory conditions. As such, the following sections will contain cheat codes grouped together by what they affect.

Cheat codes can be found below, with special thanks to GameFAQs for some of these.

Console Commands: Resources


This category includes abilities that directly contribute to your resource pool:

Cheat Code Outcome
REMBRANDT Receive 100,000 gold
OLDENBARNEVELT Receive 100,000 imperium

Console Commands: Quest And Exploration

Quest and Exploration

This category contains cheat codes that alter and toggle quests and map state:

Cheat Code Outcome
QUESTMASTER Toggles quests
TASMAN Reveals all areas of the map but fog of war remains
BARENTZ Reveals all areas of the map and removes fog of war
UNEXPLORE Hides all areas of the map to be explored again

Console Commands: Unit And Hero Abilities

Unit and Hero Abilities

The following cheats affect your troops and heroes:

Cheat Code Outcome
CRUIJFF Activates unlimited unit movement points
DOKTERWIE Increase the turn counter by a single point
VOORHEES Receive infinite skill points
LEEUWENHOEK All currently researched items instantly completed
HAUER Level up all selected units and heroes
MEDIC Fully heal selected army
INSTANTSKILLS Activates instant research
IKBEDOELALLES Instantly unlock and learn every spell
OPTIMALPRIME Toggles instant spell casting
MASTERSKILLS Instantly unlock and learn every research
ERASMUS Instantly unlock and learn every research and spell
PHILIPS Toggles instant production speed
MARTIN Hero Cap raised to 999
RUYTER Instantly spawn a Hero
ALLHEROES All off-map Heroes are added to the recruitment pool
GENHERO Spawn a random off-map Hero
GENCRYPTHERO Spawn a random off-map Hero in the Crypt
GENPRISONHERO Spawn a random off-map Hero in the Prison
IAMGOD Always auto-win combat encounters

Console Commands: AlGameTopicment And Relations

AlGameTopicment And Relations

Cheat codes in this category affect your alGameTopicment and relations with other cities and empires:

Cheat Code Outcome
DEMONEN AlGameTopicment reduced by 20
ENGELEN AlGameTopicment increased by 20
MAKEALLY Instantly ally with selected empire
MAKECOOP Instantly join Pact of Cooperation with selected city
MAKELOYAL Instantly join Pact of Loyalty with selected city
IMPROVERELATION Raise allegiance with selected free city
MAKEINTEGRATED Instantly integrate selected free city
MAKEVASSAL Instantly vassalise selected city
MAKEANGRY Reduce relations with selected city’s empire
MAKEHAPPY Increase relations with selected city’s empire
MAKEWAR Start a war with selected city’s empire
MAKENEUTRAL Cancel a war with selected city’s empire
WARLORD Start a war with every opponent

Console Commands: Victory Conditions

Victory Conditions

This category of cheat codes concern the various victory conditions in the game:

Cheat Code Outcome
RALLYTHELIEGES Immediately begin a Rally of the Lieges
SPAARGAREN Instantly unlock empire development
HUYGENS Instantly unlock empire development with one level in each affinity
HEIN Triggers instant score victory condition
VICTORY1 Triggers instant military victory condition
VICTORY2 Triggers instant expansion victory condition
VICTORY3 Triggers instant magic victory condition
WILLEM Triggers instant score defeat condition
DEFEAT1 Triggers instant leader killed defeat condition
DEFEAT2 Triggers instant throne city lost defeat condition
DEFEAT3 Triggers instant expansion defeat condition
DEFEAT4 Triggers instant magic defeat condition

Console Commands: Multiple effects

Multiple Effects

The following cheat codes trigger three effects simultaneously:

Cheat Code Outcome
DEMO Instantly unlock and learn every skill, production speed becomes instant, and receive 100,000 gold to your resource pool
FLYINGDUTCHMAN Activates unlimited unit movement points, reveal all areas of the map and remove fog of war, and receive 100,000 gold to your resource pool
THXBRIAN Instantly unlock and learn every research and spell, reveal all areas of the map and remove fog of war, and receive 100,000 gold to your resource pool

NEXT: Age Of Wonders 4: Dragon Dawn DLC Review