Alan Wake 2: Writer’s Collision Course with Control

Alan Wake 2: Writer's Collision Course with Control

Alan Wake 2 and the Mysterious Connection to Control

Alan Wake 2

Late last year, gamers were stunned when Remedy Entertainment finally unveiled Alan Wake 2. It’s been a whopping 12 years since the release of the original game, and many had given up hope of ever seeing a sequel. But here it is, folks! Alan Wake is back, and this time he’s ready to dive into the dark depths of survival-horror. And guess what? It seems like he might just brush shoulders with another beloved Remedy Entertainment game.

In 2019, Remedy released Control, a fresh new IP that took everyone by surprise with its unexpected ties to Alan Wake. This mind-bending supernatural adventure gained critical acclaim and sold over three million copies worldwide. Now, a sequel to Control is in the works, and fans can’t help but wonder if the Federal Bureau of Control will make an appearance in Alan Wake 2. After all, Control dropped plenty of hints and connections to Bright Falls, the setting of Alan Wake’s eerie tale.

How Control Became Tangled with Alan Wake

Control and Alan Wake

Control wasn’t shy about sprinkling references to Alan Wake throughout its gameplay. From hidden documents to name-dropping significant events, the game delighted fans with nods to the infamous “AWE” incident in Bright Falls. Heck, even the band “Old Gods of Asgard” made an appearance in Control, leaving astute players grinning from ear to ear.

But it was the Alan Wake downloadable content for Control that truly shook things up. In this twisted expansion, our favorite writer, Alan Wake, emerged from mysterious Hotline Calls, wreaking havoc with his reality-altering abilities. It’s pretty clear that he’s directly responsible for the incident in the AWE expansion, which led to an entire section of the building being sealed off. And the cherry on top? There are whispers that Alan may have had a hand in summoning the Hiss! You can bet Jesse Faden and the Federal Bureau of Control won’t let this pass without consequences.

How Control Might Weave Its Way into Alan Wake 2

While Alan Wake 2 seems to be forging its own path, the connections to Control just keep piling up. The gameplay trailer for the sequel is chock-full of references to Control, leaving us itching to connect the dots. But hold your horses, folks! It’s unlikely that Jesse Faden and the FBC will take center stage in Alan Wake’s torment. More plausible is that they’ll make a cameo appearance, swooping in at the end of the game or in some juicy DLC to clean up the mess Alan left behind. Who knows, this might even be a clever setup for Control 2!

Alan Wake 2

Now, we can’t predict what Remedy Entertainment has up their sleeves for this highly-anticipated sequel. They’ve been keeping things pretty hush-hush, which has both excited and worried fans. From a storytelling perspective, it would make perfect sense for the Federal Bureau of Control to play a role in Alan Wake’s wicked tale. Will it be a wild cameo or a robust partnership? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for certain: the collision course between the famous writer and Control is set, and it’s bound to be one hell of a ride.

Alan Wake 2 is set to unleash its darkness on October 17, 2023, for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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