Baldur’s Gate 3 and Redfall A Fang-tastic Duo Proving the Urgent Need for More Vampires in Video Games

Baldur's Gate 3 and Redfall Proving that We Need More Vampires in Video Games!

Vampires in Video Games: A Love Story

Ah, the year of video game vampires. It’s been a rollercoaster ride, my fellow gamers. We’ve witnessed the rise of Astarion in Baldur’s Gate 3, captivating our dark souls with his undead charm. But hold your crosses, folks, because we’ve also stumbled upon the disheartening disappointment that is Redfall. It’s like biting into that beautifully advertised bat burger only to discover it’s just a lifeless pile of rubber.

Now, here’s the sucky truth, my blood-sucking buddies: we’re in the middle of a vampire drought. We’ve gushed over Lady Dimistrescu in Resident Evil Village, but apart from that, the vampire scene has been as dry as a garlic farm in Transylvania. Werewolves and zombies have hogged the limelight for far too long. But fear not, because with 2024 approaching faster than a bat out of hell, and Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2 on the horizon, let us rise together and declare it the year of the bloodsuckers!

So why are vampires in games so hard to find? It’s a mystery to rival Dracula’s missing cape. Sure, we’ve had a few notable ones like the dhampirs in BloodRayne and The Witcher 3’s Regis, but compared to the fanged wonders of TV and film, games have been a graveyard of missed opportunities. Castlevania and Legacy of Kain gave us a taste of what vampires in action games could be, but where are they now, lost in the shadows?

We’ve been waiting for years for a true sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, that RPG gem we hold dear. And when Sharkmob’s recent abandoned project, Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodhunt, came along, it gave us a glimmer of hope. This third-person battle royale shooter may not be the vampire narrative we were thirsty for, but it proved that the mechanics of vampiric powers and abilities could work like a charm.

Bloodhunt, my friends, is a bloody good time. It’s like sinking your teeth into a bloody steak, slightly rough around the edges but oh so delicious. The RPG-like aspects, the character customization, and the battle passes (the necessary evil) all added up to an immersive experience. It made me salivate at the thought of what a Bloodlines sequel could deliver. And while Sharkmob might have momentarily abandoned bloodhunt, it only means there’s room for improvement.

But fear not, for salvation arrived in the form of Astarion. This pale elf vampire, with his sometimes horny, always entertaining allure, stole our hearts in Baldur’s Gate 3. He’s not just another undead pretty face, he’s a beacon of hope for a brighter future. Finally, vampires are getting their due appreciation alongside werewolves and the shambling hordes of zombies.

If Astarion is any indication, dear reader, all we need are captivating stories and fun ways to play with our vampiric powers. It’s not too much to ask, is it? So, let’s cross our fingers and sharpen our fangs, awaiting the arrival of Bloodlines 2 from the talented developers at The Chinese Room. As for me, I’ll be lounging in my coffin, eagerly awaiting the next chapter in our eternal love affair with video game vampires.

By the way, if you’re thirsty for more battle royale games, we’ve got you covered. Just make sure to bring your own blood bags. Happy gaming, my fellow nocturnal warriors!