Baldur’s Gate 3: Fast Leveling Guide

Baldur's Gate 3: Fast Leveling Guide

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Increasing your character’s level is the bread and butter of Baldur’s Gate 3. Every time you level up, your health pool gets a boost, you gain access to new class features, and sometimes even earn a sweet feat or ability core improvement. Leveling up is a critical part of the Baldur’s Gate 3 experience, so let’s dive into how XP works in this wacky world.

But before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a moment to appreciate this gnarly melee build in action:

Karlach Melee Build

Reaching The Level Cap

XP in Baldur’s Gate 3 works like most CRPGs and Fifth Edition D&D. Defeating enemies, completing quests, and exploring Faerun will grant XP to your party. Players and NPC companions receive the same XP from all sources and it isn’t divided or reduced in any way. So kick some butt, complete some quests, and you’ll be leveling up in no time. Just make sure your party isn’t currently in combat, or they won’t have time for a celebratory level up dance.

The level cap in Baldur’s Gate 3 is Level 12. So keep that in mind as you embark on your adventure.

In terms of XP progression, Baldur’s Gate 3 follows an ‘S’ scaling curve. The first few levels come fast and furious, but then things slow down a bit. This pattern continues for Levels 7-12, although the last three levels are earned much faster than you’d expect. That’s because Act 3 dishes out monster XP gains like candy at a parade. Here’s a breakdown of the XP thresholds for each level:

Level XP To Next Level
1 300
2 600
3 1,800
4 3,800
5 6,500
6 8,000
7 9,000
8 12,000
9 14,000
10 20,000
11 24,000
12 N/A

Now, let’s take a moment to appreciate this badass character from Baldur’s Gate 3:


Level Ranges For Each Act

Levels 1-5 are mostly earned during the first Act of Baldur’s Gate 3, and leveling up may feel a bit inconsistent here. The first three levels come quick and easy, like a chef throwing pizza dough in the air. You’ll typically reach Level 2 after the tutorial and Level 3 shortly thereafter. However, the next two levels take a bit longer to achieve. It’s like that feeling when you’re trying to grab the last slice of pizza, but it’s just out of reach. You’ll need a lot more XP to reach Level 4 and even more to reach Level 5. But fear not, young adventurer! Killing enemies whenever possible will help you offset this leveling hurdle. We’ll delve into the best XP sources later on.

Levels 6-9 are experienced during Act 2. XP gains are more consistent in this act, thanks to a smaller level gap between areas, a focused quest structure, and the power spike you’ll feel after reaching Level 5. Just make sure you complete most of the side quests available, and you’ll be cruising toward Level 9 in no time.

Levels 9-12 require the most XP to reach, but they paradoxically become the easiest levels to earn. Act 3 enemies are generous with their XP when they meet their demise, and most encounters have more enemies than a clown car at a birthday party. So don’t shy away from combat encounters, my friend. Embrace them like you embrace an extra slice of pizza. You’ll reach the level cap within a few hours of starting Act 3. At this point, hitting Level 12 should be as easy as pie. So focus on completing side content and obtaining better items to make your journey even more epic.

Now let’s shift gears and talk about the best XP sources in this fantastic game.

Karlach Level Up Screen

Best XP Sources

In Baldur’s Gate 3, almost everything offers experience points to your party. And these sources can be categorized into three groups: combat, questing, and inspiration. So let’s take a closer look at how you can level up like a boss.


Combat is where the real XP party happens in Baldur’s Gate 3. The enemies near your party’s level will grant more XP than lower-level foes, and encounters with more enemies will yield even more XP. It’s simple math, my friend. Just remember that fighting enemies seems to give more XP than relying on your silver tongue. But that doesn’t mean you can’t peacefully negotiate your way to the level cap. In fact, you can reach Level 12 without killing everything in sight. However, if you want to be the most XP-efficient adventurer, here’s a pro-tip: solve conflicts with diplomacy first, and then take those enemies down with your mighty sword or magic missiles. This strategy works wonders, especially in places like the Goblin Camp in Act 1. It’s not required, but it’s the most efficient way to earn XP for those XP-hungry powerhouses.


Completing quests is another juicy XP source that will help you level up swiftly. So don’t be a slacker and complete every quest you stumble across. Progress through the main quest and make sure to tackle side content like you’re hungry for adventure. Keep in mind that some side quests turn into full-blown quest chains in later acts, and Act 3 is where they really shine. So don’t skimp on the side content. That’s where you’ll find some of the best items and narrative moments in the game.


Inspiration is an often overlooked source of XP in Baldur’s Gate 3. When your character performs an action that aligns with their background, they’ll gain inspiration. This nifty feature allows you to reroll dialogue checks. But here’s the cool part: if your party already has four stacks of inspiration, any additional inspiration earned will be converted into XP instead. It’s like finding an unexpected bonus slice of pizza. You’ll get 25-250 XP for each instance of inspiration converted. So take the time to learn about your party’s backgrounds and try to impress them with actions that align with their interests. Not only will you gain inspiration, but you’ll also add some role-playing charm to your adventures.

Now that you know the best ways to earn XP, go forth and conquer the world of Baldur’s Gate 3! Just remember to have fun along the way and savor every slice of pizza—umm, I mean XP—you earn.

A1 Spectator
Goblin Camp Exterior
Astarion Inspiration Menu