Best Boats: Top 5

Best Boats: Top 5

Five of the Best: Games that Deserve More Love!

Welcome to Five of the Best, a weekly series for all you fantastic Eurogamer supporters out there! And hey, if you didn’t know, there’s a free trial happening right now, so you too can join the fun! FOTB is all about shining a light on those hidden gems and underrated features in games. It’s also a place for you to have your say, so don’t hold back – share your thoughts in the comments below and let’s get this party started!

Oh, and if you’re looking for more awesome Five of the Best articles, you can find our entire archive elsewhere on the site. It’s like a treasure trove of gaming goodness waiting to be discovered!

Now, before you start doubting our credibility, let me assure you that Five of the Best is not rigged. We dive deep into the world of games, scout out some amazing stuff, and then run with it. Sure, you might think some of our choices are a bit off-course, but trust me, we’re steering this ship in good faith. So hop on board and let’s set sail for adventure!

But wait, is it all smooth sailing or will we encounter some rough waters? Only one way to find out. So grab your paddles and let’s explore the uncharted waters of gaming excellence!

Image: [An adventurous group of gamers sailing towards a horizon of gaming greatness]