Civilization 6: Industrial Era To-Do List

Civilization 6: Industrial Era To-Do List

7 Things to Do in Civilization 6’s Industrial Era

Greetings, fellow conquerors and city-builders! Today, we shall delve into the marvelous Industrial Era of Civilization 6. This era represents a turning point in technological advancement and will surely set your heart pounding with excitement and anticipation.

  1. Start Working Towards Victory Requirements

Now that we have reached the Industrial Era, it’s time to put on our thinking caps and ponder over the elusive notion of victory. While it’s easy to get lost in the rat race of resource gathering and city-building, let’s not forget our grand ambitions. Victory awaits, my friends!

  1. Build New Military Units

War is as much a part of history as pyramids and the invention of the toaster. In this era, new technologies have brought forth fearsome Line Infantry and mighty Cavalry. It’s time to strengthen our armies and show the world who’s the boss!

  1. Power Up Cities with Power Plants

Welcome to the age of power! With the onset of the Industrial Era, Power Plants become the shining beacons of progress. These magnificent structures make your cities more efficient and ensure your rivals gaze at you in awe. Embrace the power and build those plants!

  1. Upgrade Roads to Railroads

All aboard the locomotive of progress! It’s time to bid farewell to creaky old roads and welcome the marvels of railroads. Not only do they provide faster transport for your units, but they also help line your pockets with gold. Just remember, use them responsibly and don’t go overboard!

  1. Boost Army Strength with Corps and Fleets

Ah, the glorious Nationalism civic! With its arrival, you gain the power to create Corps and Fleets. These combined units pack a punch and offer more bang for your buck. So, my warmongering friends, let’s muster those troops and show our enemies the true might of our nations!

  1. Expand Housing with Neighborhoods

Population growth is the lifeblood of any thriving civilization. If your cities are bursting at the seams, fear not! Build neighborhoods to provide additional housing and keep those citizens happy and productive. Remember, a happy citizen is a productive citizen!

  1. Start Unearthing Artifacts with Archaeologists

Ah, the allure of antiquity! With the discovery of the Natural History civic, you can now unleash your inner Indiana Jones and send out Archaeologists to uncover precious artifacts. Not only do these artifacts make your museums shine, but they also boost your tourism, paving the way to a stunning Cultural Victory!

So, my fellow gamers, march forward into the Industrial Era of Civilization 6 with confidence and a twinkle in your eye. The world is yours for the taking!

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