Dave The Diver: Catching 3 Star Sharks Guide

Dave The Diver: Catching 3 Star Sharks Guide

Dave the Diver: How to Catch Three-Star Sharks and Maximize Your Earnings in the Sushi Restaurant


When it comes to Dave the Diver, those impressive, large fish you can catch will be the best candidates for tasty dishes to serve that will earn you the most gold. Sharks offer one of the most coveted ingredient types, and given that they’re not easy to tackle, you’ll want to ensure you’re getting the most meat out of each encounter.

You want to catch three-star sharks to maximize your earnings in the sushi restaurant, but that’s easier said than done when these fearsome fish want to take a bite out of you. Here’s what you need to know.

What Does Star Rating Effect?

star rating

The higher the fish quality, the more meat you get, which means you’ll be able to create more dishes in your restaurant. The more you damage a fish when trying to catch it, the lower the star rating it will have.

Killing a fish by stabbing/hitting it to death, dropping rocks on it, or exploding it will result in one-star. Harpoon catches give two-star fish, and tranquilizing fish to keep them alive and unharmed will give three-star fish.

How to Catch Three-Star Sharks


Sharks are tough to catch because they’ll be trying to attack you while you’re trying to land them. The only way to ensure you get a three-star shark is to tranquilize it, but that’s easier said than done, and there are other things you need to consider.

How to Tranquilize Sharks

The earliest you can tranquilize a shark in Dave the Diver is in Chapter Two. You’ll unlock the basic level Hush Dart during this chapter, but it’s nowhere near strong enough to knock out sharks yet. You won’t be able to successfully do this until you upgrade to a Modified Hush Dart later on, or by upgrading other weapons into the tranquilized versions.

From Chapter Two onwards, you’ll have a chance to find a Tranquilizer Harpoon Lv. 3 in weapon chests (the silver chests with the gold gun icons), and this harpoon has a 50 percent chance of putting a shark to sleep. Finding one is entirely random, of course, so it might take some hunting to find one!

Retrieving a Tranquilized Shark

salvage drone

Once you’ve tranquilized a shark, you need to retrieve it. It’s too big for Dave to carry, and if you resort to hacking it to pieces, it lowers the quality! What you need is the Salvage Drone.

Head over to a tranquilized shark and hold the button (Q on the keyboard, or Y on the controller) until the drone comes to collect it. Ensure you don’t take too long, as sharks will wake up after a short time.

You automatically unlock the Salvage Drones in Chapter Two after you are tasked with catching a Tuna fish. You start with only one drone available per diving session, but you can upgrade it to get more than one per dive.

The Fish Farm

fish farm

You can also obtain three-star sharks by breeding them in the Fish Farm, though you’ll have to be lucky and obtain their roe first.

Where to Find Sharks

Here is a list of sharks and where and when to find them. We’ll continue to update this list as we progress.

Type Active Time
Depth 0-50m
Blacktip Reefshark Night
Copper Shark Night
Shortfin Mako Day
Thresher Shark Day
Zebra Shark Night
Depth 50-130m
Longnose Sawshark Day/Night
Smooth Hammerhead Day
Tiger Shark Day/Night
Depth 130-250m
Cookiecutter Shark Day
Goblin Shark Day
Frilled Shark Day
Megamouth Shark Day

NEXT: Dave The Diver: Night Fishing Guide