D&D Guide: Building a Cobalt Soul Monk

D&D Guide: Building a Cobalt Soul Monk

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In the world of Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition, monks aren’t usually the ones known for their smarts. But hey, there’s always an exception, right? Welcome to the Way of the Cobalt Soul, where brains and brawns meet in harmony. Get ready to spice up your monk game and become the intellectual powerhouse of the party!

Way Of The Cobalt Soul Monk Features

Taigam’s Strike by David Gaillet

Following the Way of the Cobalt Soul is all about understanding the connections between things and using that knowledge to your advantage. When you embark on this path at level three, you unlock the incredible power of Extract Aspects. This ability allows you to analyze creatures when you strike them with your Flurry of Blows. You’ll learn all their dirty secrets – their damage vulnerabilities, resistances, and immunities! Plus, you even get to punch back whenever they miss you. Talk about self-defense!

But that’s not all. At level six, you’ll become a master of uncovering the truth with Extort Truth. Simply touch a creature, spend a ki point, and make it take a Charisma saving throw. If they fail, they can’t lie for ten whole minutes! Not only that, but you’ll have the upper hand in any Charisma checks against them. And don’t worry, you’ll even know if they succeed or fail those saving throws. Talk about being the ultimate interrogator!

Remember how monks are usually known for their meditation and physical training? Well, not the Cobalt Soul monks. At level six, you’ll get to pick a subject and gain proficiency in either Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, or Religion with Mystical Erudition. And if you already have proficiency with any of those, you double your bonus! Talk about being the know-it-all of your adventuring group.

As you reach higher levels, your mental acuity will continue to shine. At level eleven, with Mind of Mercury, you can spend ki points to take another reaction if you’ve already used yours that turn. It’s like being in two places at once! And at the pinnacle of your Cobalt Soul mastery, level seventeen grants you the power of Debilitating Barrage. You can spend a whopping three ki points to make an enemy vulnerable to a damage type after hitting them with an unarmed strike. That’s one heck of a punch!

Best Species For A Way Of The Cobalt Soul Monk

Wandering Champion by Willian Murai

Now that you’ve grasped the essence of the Way of the Cobalt Soul, it’s time to choose a species that complements your scholarly monk style. Of course, most species that make great monks will work here too. But let’s explore a few that stand out.

Species Descriptions
Bugbear Bugbears are excellent monk material. Their extended reach grants flexibility, while high Dexterity puts you at an advantage. With stealth proficiency, charm resistance, and Darkvision, you’ve got all the perks!
Duergar Poison resistance may not be too useful, but advantage against being charmed and stunned is still handy. Don’t forget about the amazing Enlarge/Reduce spell and sneaky Invisibility!
Goblin Need a little fury in your life? Goblins not only pack a punch with Fury of the Small but also come with Darkvision, charm resistance, and the ability to hide as a bonus action. It’s stealthy mayhem!
Goliath Monks may be agile, but their hit points could use a boost. Goliaths have got you covered with Stone’s Endurance, cold resistance, and Athletics proficiency. No one punches harder than a sturdy Goliath!
Half-Orc Critical hits make a monk’s day, and with Savage Attacks, you’ll be dealing even more devastating blows. Add in Relentless Endurance and Darkvision, and you’re a force to be reckoned with!
Half-Elf Way of the Cobalt Soul monks crave versatility. Half-Elves deliver with three stat boosts, Darkvision, and even more skills for your ever-expanding repertoire. Who doesn’t want more options?
Human Humans are a well-rounded choice. You’ve got the stats, and with variant human, you can even start with a handy feat right away. Humanity represents the adaptable student of all species!
Owlin Monks struggle with flying foes, but not Owlin! With the ability to fly, Darkvision, and stealth proficiency, you’ll be soaring high and striking down any aerial enemy with style. Sky’s the limit!
Shifter Shifters blend well with monks, especially the Cobalt Soul kind. Temporary hit points, extra armor, increased movement speed, a skill proficiency, and Darkvision? They’ve got it all!
Tabaxi Claws might not be your thing, but with the agility provided by Feline Agility, you’ll never miss a fight again. Climbing speed and Darkvision also give you an edge against those pesky flying critters!

Best Ability Scores For A Way Of The Cobalt Soul Monk

Awakened Awareness by Tran Nguyen

To excel at the Way of the Cobalt Soul, there are a few key ability scores you should focus on: Dexterity, Wisdom, and Constitution. Dexterity enhances your strikes, while both Dexterity and Wisdom provide you with a solid armor class. Constitution is crucial for survival, granting those much-needed hit points.

Strength, Intelligence, and Charisma can take a back seat, but having a few points in them won’t hurt. After all, being well-rounded is never a bad thing.

If you’re using the point buy system, a great starting ability score spread could look something like this:

Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
10(0) 16(+3) 14(+2) 8(-1) 16(+3) 10(0)

Remember, it’s not just about punching hard. As a Cobalt Soul monk, you’re here to use your mind and your fists to pave the way to victory!

Best Starting Equipment For A Way Of The Cobalt Soul Monk

Sight Beyond Sight by Anastasia Ovchinnikova

Equipment doesn’t play a huge role in a monk’s life, considering their body is their primary weapon. However, a few essential items can still come in handy.

You can choose either a shortsword or another simple weapon, but let’s face it, most of your abilities require devastating unarmed strikes. So those weapons might feel a bit neglected.

For useful tools, a dungeoneer’s pack offers more value than an explorer’s pack. And don’t forget to grab a stack of 10 darts to deal with those pesky flying targets. Take to the skies, my incredible flight puncher!

Best Feats For A Way Of The Cobalt Soul Monk

Swift Kick by Mathias Kollros

While followers of the Way of the Cobalt Soul are usually hungry for stat improvements, feats can still add a flavorful twist to your monk’s journey. If by some miraculous stroke of luck you stumble upon a free feat during your adventures, consider these exciting options:

Feat Descriptions
Alert Being surprised is a thing of the past. With Alert, you’re always on your toes. No one can gain advantage against you with hidden attacks, and you even get a boost of five to your initiative score. Combine this with the bugbear’s Surprise Attack for an ultimate surprise knockout!
Athlete Need some extra mobility? Athlete grants you a climbing speed equal to your movement speed, perfect for scaling walls like a true ninja. And who doesn’t want to get up from prone without wasting precious movement? Don’t forget to take the Dexterity score increase here!
Lucky Failure is not in your vocabulary. Lucky provides you with extra d20s to spend on those critical moments. Use them to turn the tide of your most important rolls or prevent damage when your squishy monk self needs it most. Luck is definitely on your side!
Mobile Mobility is a monk’s best friend. Gain an extra 10 feet of movement to swiftly engage enemies, dance through difficult terrain with ease, and avoid pesky attacks of opportunity. Say goodbye to being held back and hello to freedom in motion!
Skill Expert Expand your horizon of skills by gaining access to even more of them. Whether it’s expertise or just adding to your repertoire, Skill Expert turns you into the ultimate jack of all trades. There’s no challenge you can’t face!
Tough Monks may be agile, but they can also be a bit squishy. With Tough, you gain two extra hit points per level, which adds up over time. Let your enemies underestimate you, because you’re tougher than you look!

Remember, the Cobalt Soul monk thrives on knowledge, but a little extra oomph never hurts. So if the opportunity presents itself, grab a feat that complements your intellect and martial prowess!

Now that you’re armed with the wisdom of the Way of the Cobalt Soul, go forth and be the brilliant, witty, and fierce monk that the world needs. Your enemy’s folly is your advantage, and victory is within reach. Embrace the power of the Cobalt Soul and let your inner scholar shine in this chaotic realm of Dungeons & Dragons!

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