Diablo 4’s MalGameTopicant vs. Final Fantasy 16’s Akashic

Diablo 4's MalGameTopicant vs. Final Fantasy 16's Akashic

Diablo 4’s Season of the MalGameTopicant – A Twist on Corruption

Diablo 4 Season of the MalGameTopicant

Diablo 4’s latest update, the Season of the MalGameTopicant, introduces a brand new storyline to the world of Sanctuary. After defeating Lilith in the main campaign, players are now faced with a new threat – the MalGameTopicant Monsters. These corrupted creatures possess extraordinary strength and the ability to spread their infectious afflictions. But here’s the fun twist, these MalGameTopicant Monsters have a surprising similarity to the Akashic enemies from Final Fantasy 16, another popular game in the genre.

Although Diablo 4 and Final Fantasy 16 were released around the same time in June 2023, they share a common ground in their themes and lore. Both games explore the darker side of the medieval fantasy genre, diving deep into death, grief, and corruption. However, what truly connects the two games in the most unexpected way is Diablo 4’s Season 1, where the MalGameTopicant enemies resemble the Akashic encountered throughout Final Fantasy 16’s main quest.

Revel in the Corruption

One of the first characters players will meet in Diablo 4’s Season of the MalGameTopicant is Cormond, a former priest from the Cathedral of Light. Cormond warns players about the danger these corrupted creatures pose to Sanctuary and enlists their help in defeating this evil. According to Cormond, the residents of Sanctuary are a unique hybrid of angel and demon, resulting from the union of Lilith and Inarius. The MalGameTopicant is a manifestation of the demonic half overpowering the individual. Players will embark on a seasonal quest line to aid Cormond in uncovering the reason behind the spread of the MalGameTopicant and finding a way to save Sanctuary from this plague.

Similarly, Final Fantasy 16 introduces a comparable concept in the form of the Akashic. These creatures share an origin story akin to their Diablo 4 counterparts. Players encounter the Akashic during the main quest, “The Crystals’ Curse,” where they explore the crystal mines below Drake’s Head. After a fierce battle with the Imperial Cannonier boss, it transforms into an Akashic monstrosity. Cid explains that the excessive Aether from the Mothercrystal has caused the miners to lose control of their minds, transforming them into primal Akashic creatures.

A More Challenging Encounter

Both the MalGameTopicant in Diablo 4 and the Akashic in Final Fantasy 16 present a corrupted form of their original selves, becoming more powerful and unhinged. These enemies offer a heightened challenge for players, shaking up the gameplay that they have grown accustomed to. However, there are distinct differences between these two types of corruption-based adversaries.

In Diablo 4, the corruption stems from within, with each inhabitant of Sanctuary containing a demonic half that is usually balanced by their angelic half. In contrast, the Akashic in Final Fantasy 16 transform due to external factors, specifically exposure to a concentrated amount of Aether. Interestingly, both the Wanderer from Diablo 4 and Clive from Final Fantasy 16 seem to have some immunity to this corruption. Clive’s status as a Dominant in Final Fantasy 16 and the Wanderer’s consumption of Lilith’s blood petals in Diablo 4 may be the reasons behind their resilience.

So gear up and get ready to face a thrilling challenge in Diablo 4’s Season of the MalGameTopicant! This update is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Don’t miss out!

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