🍓🥗 Disney Dreamlight Valley: How to Make Basil Berry Salad 🥗🍓

How to Create the Basil Berry Salad Dessert in Disney Dreamlight Valley and Source the Ingredients

Disney Dreamlight Valley offers a delicious recipe for making a refreshing Basil Berry Salad. Here’s how you can create this scrumptious dish.

If you’re playing Disney Dreamlight Valley, chances are you’ve come across the mouth-watering Basil Berry Salad. With its unique twist on the classic Berry Salad recipe, this dessert is a sweet treat that will leave you craving for more. But how exactly do you make it and where do you find all the necessary ingredients? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

📜 Ingredients:

To make Basil Berry Salad in Disney Dreamlight Valley, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 🍓 One Strawberry
  • 🫐 One Blueberry
  • 🌿 One Basil

Fortunately, these ingredients can be foraged in the game, provided you have access to the biomes where they grow. But wait, there’s more! Basil Berry Salad is not just a delicious dessert, it’s also a valuable asset. Once created, you can sell it for a whopping 142 Star Coins. Talk about a sweet deal!

Pro tip: Basil Berry Salad can also restore 1,355 energy when consumed. It’s perfect for those moments when your character needs a little pick-me-up.

🌍 Finding the Ingredients:

Now that you know what you need, let’s find out where to get them:

🍓 Strawberries:

To get your hands on some juicy strawberries, head over to Ancient’s Landing in Eternity Isle. These crimson delights can be found growing on various bushes across the area, such as near your house and close to Chez Remy’s Restaurant. Just make sure you have access to the A Rift in Time update, as that’s when strawberries start popping up in the game.

Disney dreamlight valley strawberries location

Picking strawberries one by one might feel like a slow process, but trust us, it’s worth it. Plus, you only need to add one strawberry to the pot when making Basil Berry Salad, so it’s not as daunting as it seems.

🫐 Blueberries:

Blueberries, oh sweet blueberries! These little bursts of blue goodness can be found in two unlockable biomes: the Forest of Valor and Dazzle Beach. Take a stroll along the shoreline of Dazzle Beach or wander through the woodland paths of the Forest of Valor, and you’ll spot blueberries growing in bushes. Harvesting them will give you a few blueberries at a time, which is convenient for saving inventory space.

Disney dreamlight valley blueberries location

🌿 Basil:

Last but certainly not least, we have basil. This herb can be found in various spots around the Peaceful Meadow. Before you start gathering strawberries at Ancient’s Landing, it’s a good idea to stock up on basil or vice versa. Basil is what gives the Basil Berry Salad its unique twist, adding a different flavor to the classic Berry Salad recipe. Trust us, it’s worth the extra effort!

❔ More to Discover:

🤔 But wait, there’s more! We know you might have some burning questions, so we’ve prepared a Q&A to satisfy your curiosity:

  1. Q: Can I use the Basil Berry Salad for anything else besides selling or consuming it?
    • A: While selling and consuming the Basil Berry Salad are the main uses, it’s also worth noting that making it can help you complete Daily Mist tasks, earning you more mist along the way.
  2. Q: Are there any other exclusive recipes in Disney Dreamlight Valley?
  3. Q: What are some other valuable items I can find or create in Disney Dreamlight Valley?
    • A: Disney Dreamlight Valley is full of surprises! From rare collectibles to unique clothing items, there’s never a shortage of valuable treasures. Make sure to explore every nook and cranny to uncover the game’s hidden gems.
  4. Q: How can I gain access to different biomes in the game?
    • A: As you progress through the game, you’ll unlock new biomes and areas to explore. Keep completing quests and objectives, and soon enough, you’ll have access to all the beautiful landscapes Disney Dreamlight Valley has to offer.

🎮 Now that you know how to make Basil Berry Salad in Disney Dreamlight Valley, it’s time to step into the game and get cooking! Don’t forget to share your delicious creations with us on social media. Happy gaming! 🕹️🌟


  1. Disney Dreamlight Valley Cooking Recipes Guide
  2. Guide to Disney Dreamlight Valley: Making Sweet Herring