EA Announces Layoffs, Shifts Focus towards Owned IP and Online Communities

Following its decision to lay off six percent of its workforce in March, EA has announced another round of job cuts - this time...

EA has announced more layoffs, impacting about 670 employees.


Well, it seems like layoffs are becoming quite the trend in the gaming industry these days. The latest victim is Electronic Arts (EA), who recently announced a new round of job cuts affecting around 670 employees. This comes as EA shifts its focus away from “future licensed IP” and towards its “owned IP, sports, and massive online communities.” In an email to staff, CEO Andrew Wilson explained that these layoffs are part of an effort to optimize their operations and support their business. But what does this mean for the future of EA and its games? Let’s dive in and find out.

The Shift in Priorities

In order to achieve its goals, EA will be streamlining its company operations and moving away from developing future licensed IP that they don’t believe will be successful in the changing gaming industry. Instead, the company will double down on their biggest opportunities, which include their owned intellectual properties, sports games, and massive online communities. This strategic shift means that some jobs will be lost, creating uncertainty and challenges for many dedicated employees who have made important contributions to the company.

Finding New Roles and Paths

While not every team will be affected by these layoffs, EA understands the impact this has on their employees. CEO Andrew Wilson emphasized that their primary goal is to provide team members with opportunities to transition onto other projects and find new roles. They will support and work with each colleague individually to ensure a smooth transition. It’s a tough decision for the company, but they are committed to handling it with utmost attention, care, and respect.

Ongoing Communication

EA has already started communicating the impacts of these layoffs to their staff, and the process is expected to be largely completed by early next quarter. This allows affected employees to have some time to adjust and explore new opportunities. It’s never an easy process, but EA is making efforts to ensure transparency and support their employees throughout the transition.

What About the Games?

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room. EA’s decision to move away from licensed IP might raise some questions about the fate of their upcoming games. The good news is that the company has confirmed that they are currently working on five high-profile licensed games. Two of them are based on Marvel properties, including Black Panther and Iron Man, while the other three are Star Wars titles. According to an EA representative, the Marvel projects are still in development. However, it has been revealed that the strategic shift at EA has led to the cancellation of Respawn Entertainment’s Star Wars first-person shooter game, which was reportedly going to be based on the popular TV series, The Mandalorian.

The Human Cost

These layoffs at EA are just the latest in a series of devastating job cuts in the gaming industry. In just under two months, over 7,500 workers have lost their jobs, overshadowing the already substantial 9,000 layoffs seen throughout 2023. It’s a challenging time for many talented individuals trying to make a living in this industry. Sony, Until Dawn developer Supermassive, Life is Strange: True Colors studio Deck Nine, Star Citizen developer Cloud Imperium Games, and Saltsea Chronicles studio Die Gute Fabrik are just a few examples of companies that have recently announced layoffs or halted production.


While the gaming industry continues to evolve, companies like EA are making tough decisions to adapt to the changing landscape. The shift away from licensed IP and the focus on owned intellectual properties and online communities may ultimately benefit the company in the long run. It’s essential to remember that behind these strategic shifts and job cuts are real people with families and passions. Let’s hope that the affected employees find new opportunities and continue to contribute their talents to the gaming industry.

Q&A: What You Need to Know

Q: What does EA’s shift towards owned IP mean for their future games?

A: The shift towards owned intellectual properties means that EA will be focusing more on games they create themselves, rather than those based on external licenses. While this might signal the end of some licensed games, EA has reassured fans by confirming that they are working on five high-profile licensed games, including titles based on Marvel properties and Star Wars.

Q: How will the layoffs affect EA’s workforce?

A: Approximately five percent of EA’s workforce, which amounts to around 670 employees, will be affected by the layoffs. This will create uncertainty and challenges for many talented individuals who have dedicated their time and passion to the company.

Q: What support will EA provide to the affected employees?

A: EA has stated that their primary goal is to provide team members with opportunities to transition onto other projects and find new roles within the company. For those who are unable to move into new positions, EA is committed to supporting and working with each colleague individually.

Q: Are there any other companies in the gaming industry facing similar layoffs?

A: Unfortunately, yes. The gaming industry has seen a significant number of job cuts recently. Sony, Supermassive, Deck Nine, Cloud Imperium Games, and Die Gute Fabrik are just a few examples of companies that have announced layoffs or halted production.


Note: The above references are fictional and not actual links.

Hey readers, what are your thoughts on EA’s shift towards owned IP and online communities? Do you think it’s a strategic move, or will it have negative consequences? Share your insights and opinions in the comments below! And if you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to hit that share button and spread the word on social media. Together, let’s keep the conversation alive! 😄🎮✨