Fallout 5 Should Embrace New Vegas’ Best Feature

Fallout 5 Should Embrace New Vegas' Best Feature

Fallout: New Vegas – The Game That Keeps on Giving!

Fallout: New Vegas

Ah, Fallout: New Vegas, the game that never seems to age! Despite being over a decade old, it’s still the most beloved game in the franchise. And what’s even more incredible is that fans are still creating expansion-sized mods for it, like the recently teased Fallout: Nuevo Mexico! It’s incredible to see how this game continues to inspire and captivate gamers, offering entirely new takes on the series’ narrative. Talk about keeping the post-apocalyptic party going!

While Bethesda is busy with other projects, like Starfield and The Elder Scrolls 6, the passionate fan community is filling the void with their incredible projects. They’re the lifeblood of new experiences in the Fallout universe. By the time Fallout 5 is announced, Fallout: New Vegas might be celebrating its 20th anniversary! But fear not, there’s still so much inspiration the new game can take from its predecessor. It’s like a vault full of ideas waiting to be explored!

Fallout 5: Injecting Life into a Healing World

Assuming Fallout 5 takes place after Fallout 4, it’s time for the game to show the world healing from the Great War’s effects. We’ve seen a stark contrast between the West Coast and East Coast Fallout games when it comes to the emergence of settlements. The West Coast has seen civilizations spring back to life, with functioning armies, economies, and thriving cities. Just take a look at Fallout: New Vegas and its various factions scattered across the Mojave Wasteland. They’ve even got an embassy in New Vegas proper! Talk about fancy.

The East Coast, on the other hand, has seen limited progress. Sure, there are settlements, but they’re mostly made up of scrap and lack the same level of development as their West Coast counterparts. The closest we’ve seen to a stable society is Diamond City in Fallout 4, but it pales in comparison to the settlements in Fallout 2.

But fear not, fellow wastelanders! There’s hope on the horizon. The narratives of Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 have hinted at a potentially healing world. The Capital Wasteland’s clean water and the increased protection offered by the Brotherhood of Steel are signs of progress. And let’s not forget the technological wonders of the Institute in Fallout 4. It’s only a matter of time before those innovations find their way outside the confines of the Institute.

To truly showcase the impact of previous protagonists and their heroic deeds, setting Fallout 5 several decades, or even a century, in the future makes perfect sense. Imagine returning to a world that your character helped shape, witnessing the tangible improvements and experiencing a fresh setting. Plus, such a time gap allows for more ambiguity, keeping players guessing about the specific actions that led to this new world. After all, Fallout is all about surviving the worst of times, but it’s also about the resilience of humanity. We always find a way to bounce back, even in the face of nuclear chaos.

So grab your Pip-Boy and prepare for another epic journey through the wasteland. While we wait for Fallout 5, let’s keep the spirit alive with Fallout: New Vegas and its ever-growing community of dedicated fans.

Fallout: New Vegas is available now for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.

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