Fallout New Vegas: Skill Book Locations

Fallout New Vegas: Skill Book Locations

Fallout: New Vegas – Unearth the Knowledge Vault of the Mojave Wasteland

Fallout New Vegas

Amidst the grim aftermath of nuclear devastation, where the shattered remnants of civilization struggle for survival, a new form of wealth rises in the Mojave Wasteland. In the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout: New Vegas, where knowledge holds immeasurable value, skill books have become as coveted as the bottle cap.

Skill books are the invaluable treasures of the Mojave Wasteland that permanently boost your stats once read. In a world where most texts have been reduced to ashes by global nuclear annihilation, these literary gems hold immense power. Fear not, for we have compiled a compendium revealing the hidden locations of every skill book within the base game for you to find, read, and maybe use as decoration in your Lucky 38 penthouse suite.

Skill Book Breakdown

There are 13 distinct types of skill books scattered throughout the Mojave Wasteland. Each type is associated with a specific skill and will permanently boost it by three points once read. From becoming better at bartering by flicking through the Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor, to improving your weapon proficiency with Guns and Bullets, these books cover a wide range of expertise.

Within the base game, you can find three to five copies of each skill book type. These copies are spread across the vast expanse of the Mojave Wasteland, hidden in forgotten nooks, guarded by treacherous creatures, or given to you for completing quests.

Book Name Skill Boosted Locations
Big Book Of Science Science Brewer’s Beer Bootlegging (On a table in the cellar), Camp Forlorn Hope (On a desk in the southeast corner of the Command Centre), Helios One (Given as a reward by GameTopicacio Rivas for completing the quest ‘That Lucky Old Sun’), Nipton Town Hall (On Mayor Joseph B Steyn’s desk in his office on the top floor), REPCONN Headquarters (On a shelf on the ground floor behind a hard difficulty-locked door)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual Sneak Camp Searchlight (In the basement of the East Chapel. Be wary of the gecko infestation down there), Goodsprings (On a bookshelf in Trudy and Sunny Smile’s home), NCR Sharecropper Farms (Next to a desk inside the Sharecropper Barracks), Vault 3 (On a shelf in the Living Quarters past the average difficulty-locked door)
D.C Journal Of Internal Medicine Medicine Followers Safehouse (In the bedside table in the second room), Helios One (Upstairs, on the bed in the same room with the east terminal password), Mesquite Mountains Crater (On the table with the radio and repair kit inside Hell’s Motel), Novac (On the bed inside Ranger Andy’s room)
Dean’s Electronics Repair Nellis Air Force Base (Next to the broken terminal inside Loyal’s house), Sloan (On the top shelf in the Worker’s Barracks), Southern Nevada Wind Farm (On a table inside the shack)
Duck And Cover! Explosives Mojave Outpost (On the bottom shelf inside the Mojave Outpost Barracks), Nellis Air Force Base (On the shelf inside Pearl’s Barracks), Ranger Station Foxtrot (On the table next to Comm Officer Lenk), Sloan (On a shelf in the Worker’s Barracks)
Grognak The Barbarian Melee Weapons Cannibal Johnson’s Cave (On the mattress next to the fire pit), Cottonwood Cove (Inside the nightstand on the upper floor of the HQ Building), Hidden Supply Cave (Resting on a metal crate in the cave), Jacobstown (In front of the oven in the first bungalow on the east side)
Guns And Bullets Guns Gomorrah (On a bookshelf in Big Sal’s office), Nevada Highway Patrol Station (On one of the desks inside the building), Raul’s Shack (In a wooden crate by the door inside the shack), Vault 34 (On a metal table between the sofas in the armory common room)
Lying, Congressional Style Speech Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch (Upstairs, in an opened locker in the room with a chessboard), Cerulean Robotics (On the floor among the office desks), Lucky Jim Mine (On the bottom shelf next to a varmint rifle inside the house), NCRCF (On a desk on the second floor of the NCRCF administration)
Nikola Tesla And You Energy Weapons Hidden Valley (In the bin in Schuler’s office in Bunker L1), Old Nuclear Test Site (On the table inside the irradiated shack), REPCONN Headquarters (On top of a safe past the Very Hard locked door on the first floor), REPCONN Headquarters (On the desk by a terminal in the first room on the left of the second floor)
Pugilism Illustrated Unarmed Fisherman’s Pride Shack (On the bedside table inside the shack), Nipton Road Reststop (On a shelf on the southern wall inside the shop), The Tops Casino (On a table inside the Presidential Suite), Vault 11 (Resting by ruined furniture inside female dorm one within the living quarters)
Tales Of A Junktown Jerky Vendor Barter Allied Technologies Offices (In front of the nuka cola machine in the largest room on the western side of the building), Cap Counterfeiting Shack (On the suitcase by the bed in the cellar), Primm (Behind the gift shop counter inside the Bison Steve Hotel), Vault 22 (On a table inside the lab room within Pest Control)
Tumblers Today Lockpick Bitter Springs Recreation Area (On a desk inside the smaller room of the west office shack), Silver Peak Mine (Inside an open locker laying on the ground on the right as you enter), The Prospector’s Den (Once inside the cave, can be found on the floor in the far right corner of the second room on the right inside the wooden building), Wolfhorn Ranch (On the floor by the fridge inside the farmhouse)
Wasteland Survival Guide Survival Lone Wolf Radio (Near the mattress inside the radio trailer), Matthews Animal Husbandry Farm (Next to a crate on the upper level of the barn), Mesquite Mountains Camp Site (Next to the bed inside the westernmost tent), Scavenger Platform (Underneath some broken shelves in the northernmost hut)

Unearth these hidden gems and unlock the vast potential they hold. Permanently improve your skills and become the ultimate survivor in the unforgiving Mojave Wasteland.

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