Game of Thrones: The Hound and the Mountain’s Relationship, Explained’ is an article that delves into the complex connection between these two iconic characters from the popular show.

Game of Thrones: The Hound and the Mountain's Relationship, Explained' is an article that delves into the complex connection between these two iconic characters from the popular show.

Game of Thrones: The Epic Tale of The Hound and The Mountain

The Mountain fights Oberyn Martell

HBO’s Game of Thrones is packed with unforgettable characters, but none are quite as dynamic as Jon Snow, Ned Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark, and the infamous Lannisters: Tyrian, Jamie, and Cersei. Among these legendary figures, two brothers stand out for their immense physicality, savage strength, and twisted sense of humor: Sandor Clegane, also known as The Hound, and Gregor Clegane, aka The Mountain.

The simmering sibling rivalry between The Hound and The Mountain spans the majority of the series, testament to the sheer power and captivating storylines of both characters. While they are renowned as the fiercest warriors in Westeros, their relationship is marred by dark personal history, creating a palpable tension throughout the show.

Who Were They?

The Hound and Arya Stark

The Hound and The Mountain are brothers who’ve never been fond of each other, fueled by their shared desire to be the most ruthless and fearsome fighters in Westeros. They both serve House Lannister, with Sandor acting as King Joffrey Baratheon’s personal bodyguard and Gregor protecting Cersei Lannister as a member of the Kingsguard. Given their reputations as cold-blooded killers, it’s no surprise that they’ve made plenty of enemies along the way.

Gregor, weighing over four-hundred pounds and standing nearly eight feet tall, has a horrific reputation for committing heinous war crimes on behalf of the Lannisters. From extreme violence and rape to murder, his cruelty knows no bounds. One of his greatest adversaries is Oberyn Martell, driven by the desire for vengeance after The Mountain raped and murdered his sister Elia and her children. In their epic trial by combat, Oberyn comes close to victory but is ultimately defeated when The Mountain smashes his skull. However, this encounter results in a physical transformation as Gregor is poisoned by Oberyn’s spear.

Sandor, on the other hand, undergoes a significant character arc throughout the show. Disgusted with King Joffrey’s leadership, he abandons his position after suffering heavy losses in the Battle of the Blackwater. This sets him on a path of self-discovery and redemption, engaging in epic battles against enemies old and new. Despite his brutal past, Sandor manages to forge alliances along the way, including one with Arya Stark, creating a fascinating dynamic between two characters who initially despise each other.

Sibling Rivalry and Hatred

The Hound and The Mountain’s long-standing hatred for each other is rooted in their tumultuous childhood. Gregor’s sadistic act of shoving Sandor’s face into a brazier left The Hound scarred both physically and emotionally, igniting a lifelong desire for revenge. However, Sandor’s ire towards his brother is not solely motivated by their personal history; he despises Gregor’s lack of morality and humanity as a knight who takes pleasure in killing and rape. Despite his own violent tendencies, The Hound at least possesses a moral code, showing growth and the capacity for forgiveness.

Their mutual animosity is further fueled by their aggressive and abrasive personalities. The Hound, with his rough voice and profane language, offers biting sarcasm as a defense mechanism. In contrast, The Mountain, known for his brute strength and lack of charisma, rarely speaks, leaving an air of unease whenever he is present.

The Final Duel and Tragic End

The Hound and The Mountain in Season 8

After years of anticipation, the long-awaited showdown between The Hound and The Mountain arrives in the penultimate episode of the series, aptly titled “The Bells.” As Daenerys ravages King’s Landing with her dragons, Arya seeks to assassinate Cersei, and The Hound hunts down his brother. In a moment of unexpected compassion, Sandor takes on a paternal role towards Arya, urging her to abandon her quest for vengeance and embrace life. As Arya thanks Sandor, they part ways, their individual journeys calling them in different directions.

When The Hound finally confronts Gregor, the behemoth breaks his lifelong loyalty to Cersei and engages in a brutal sword fight with his brother amidst the burning city. While Gregor possesses greater size and strength, The Hound’s determination leads him to pummel, slice, and stab The Mountain relentlessly. The fight reaches its climax when Sandor drives a knife through Gregor’s face. In a final act of self-sacrifice, The Hound propels them both off the castle, plummeting into a fiery inferno.

Throughout the show, Gregor’s physical transformation fails to quell his bloodlust, while Sandor realizes that defeating his brother requires the ultimate sacrifice. In a poetic display of vengeance and redemption, The Hound’s journey comes full circle.

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