Minecraft: Automated Cooked Chicken Farm Guide
Minecraft: Automated Cooked Chicken Farm Guide
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In the vast world of Minecraft, there’s always something to do. Whether you’re exploring caves, building epic structures, or fending off zombies, time flies by. But amidst all the excitement, the monotonous task of tending to your crops and animals can be a real buzzkill. Constantly harvesting, breeding, and slaughtering just to stave off starvation is enough to make anyone hang up their diamond sword.
But fear not, fellow gamers, for I bring you great news! You can now say goodbye to the drudgery of farming and say hello to a life of automated luxury. With a simple contraption, you can have a never-ending supply of pre-cooked chicken, saving you the hassle of fueling your furnace or worrying about the fate of your livestock. Let’s dive into the world of automatic chicken farms in Minecraft!
Updated July 14, 2023, by Sean Murray:
There’s no greater way of ensuring your nutritional needs are fulfilled than by creating a contraption that seems to defy the laws of thermodynamics. Everyone should have their own automatic chicken farm, so we’ve refreshed this guide with improved formatting and some breakout tips to make it easier to get your farm up and running.
Materials Needed For An Automatic Chicken Farm

The automatic chicken farm operates by utilizing the eggs laid by chickens and launching them out of a dispenser. When these eggs land, there’s a chance they will hatch into baby chickens, which will grow up and meet a fiery end under a suspended lava source. As a result, you’ll be rewarded with cooked chicken that will find its way into a chest.
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To construct this marvelous contraption, you’ll need the following materials:
- One chest
- One dispenser
- One non-wooden slab
- Two hoppers
- Ten glass blocks
- One bucket of lava
- One piece of redstone dust
- One redstone comparator
- Three building blocks
- One fence post
- Most importantly, some chickens
How To Build The Automatic Cooked Chicken Farm

First things first, choose a suitable location for your collection point and place the chest there. Attach a hopper to the back of the chest by crouching, facing the back, and checking underneath the chest for the funnel. Now, place a slab on top of the hopper, as this is where the chickens will meet their fiery demise.
Next, position two glass blocks on top of the chest, place the dispenser behind the slab facing into it, and then stack a hopper on top of the dispenser. Don’t worry about the glass on the sides of the slab just yet.
To contain the chickens within the hopper area, use some glass to box them in. Surround the lava area in front of the hopper with more glass, and with a simple right-click on top of the slab, place the lava.
Wiring the Redstone

Behind the hopper and dispenser, set up the redstone contraption as shown above. Make sure the redstone comparator’s arrow faces away from the lava, and place the two redstone torches next to the bottom of the hopper. Underneath and to the side of the comparator, place the redstone dust.
This redstone setup allows an egg entering the hopper to immediately power the dispenser below. Each egg that enters the hopper will fire the most recently entered egg, ensuring a continuous supply of ammunition for the dispenser.
Luring the Chickens

Now comes the tricky part – luring the chickens into the deadly trap. You may need to make the hole deeper by placing slabs on top of the glass blocks, preventing the chickens from escaping. Once you have chickens in the hole, block off the top with a fence post, leaving a space to breed the chickens with seeds. The more chickens in the hole, the more cooked chicken you’ll collect.
Making It Fireproof

Depending on the difficulty setting of your game, you might want to make the farm fireproof. You can block off the top with four slabs or even place a block directly on top of the hole to prevent any escape. This provides a safety net while still allowing you to breed the chickens already in the hole.
How It Works

Whenever an egg is fired, there’s a random chance that baby chickens will spawn on the slab. Since they have nowhere to run, they’ll remain still until they grow up after twenty minutes, meeting their fiery fate. This process will yield an average of one cooked chicken per hour, per chicken. Don’t forget to place glass blocks on the sides of the slab to contain any mischievous baby chickens.
And there you have it! This incredibly cheap automatic chicken farm is a game-changer, eliminating the need to worry about farming for food. It’s an absolute essential for any survival world.
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