Chrono Triggers, Undertale-esque Time-Loop RPG Try Now & Get Hooked for Next Month!

Get Ready to Time-Warp with a Dash of Quirk! Experience the dynamic blend of Chrono Trigger and Undertale in this upcoming turn-based time-loop RPG - Play the Demo Now!

In Stars and Time: A Time-Loop RPG That’ll Make You Loop de Loop!

Are you tired of the same old RPG formula? Well, get ready for a mind-bending adventure in the upcoming game In Stars and Time! Developed by the incredibly talented Adrienne Bazir (insertdisc5), this game takes the classic RPG setup and flips it on its head like a seasoned acrobat.

Picture this: a spirited band of adventurers, full of hope and bravery, sets out to vanquish the forces of evil. But here’s the twist – they all go down in humiliating defeat, one by one, like dominoes of failure. It’s like watching a heroic version of America’s Funniest Home Videos, but instead of old ladies falling into cakes, it’s your party members falling into defeat.

But fear not! Our main protagonist, Siffrin, gets a sweet deal. While everyone else takes a dirt nap, Siffrin gets revived and sent back to the beginning of the doomed adventure. And guess what? They’re the only one with memories of what went down. It’s like having the ultimate cheat code, finally giving you the upper hand against that final boss you could never beat.

Imagine being stuck in a time loop where you have to relive this grand adventure over and over again. Sounds like a cruel punishment, right? But not for Siffrin. Armed with newfound knowledge of past failures, they embark on assembling the party again, but with a lot less pep in their step. They’ve seen some stuff, man. Each loop brings them closer to becoming a jaded hero, battle-hardened and ready to stick it to the man.

Battles in In Stars and Time follow the good ol’ turn-based format. Each character brings their own strengths and weaknesses to the table, but beware! One defeat, whether it’s a sticky banana peel or a disastrous battle, and you’re back to square one. It’s like slipping on a banana peel during a dance-off and having your whole life flash before your eyes, only to start all over again, hoping this time you’ll remember the steps.

But fear not! Even though the loop resets, any core memories and important information you gather in your bonding moments with your party members and other characters will carry over to the next round. It’s like praying to the gods of gaming for some serious buffs to give you a fighting chance.

In many ways, In Stars and Time gently mocks the cheery and carefree nature of classic RPGs. But don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom! It still manages to sprinkle in genuine moments of heartbreak and tragedy, because what’s an RPG without a few tears and emotional roller coasters? It’s like getting on the wildest theme park ride, but instead of throwing up, you’ll throw your emotions all over the place.

This game takes a tried-and-true SNES-style RPG and adds a dash of social sim elements to spice things up. It’s like getting a chili cheese dog and sprinkling some parmesan on top. In Stars and Time will grace us with its presence on PC, PS4, PS5, and Nintendo Switch on November 20th. And guess what? There’s a FREE Steam demo you can dive into right now. So, hop on this time-loop train and see if you can break the cycle!

Oh, and before you go, if you’re hungry for more mind-bending adventures like In Stars and Time, we’ve got you covered! Check out the best games like Undertale that are guaranteed to make you question your existence. Trust us, you’re in for a surprise!

You’ve reached the end of this game guide, but the adventure doesn’t stop here! Share your thoughts and let us know what you think about In Stars and Time. Are you excited to dive into the time-loop madness? Tell us your favorite RPG moments or share any time-loop experiences you’ve had in games. We’d love to hear from you, fellow gamers!