How to Start Magical Mystery Machine: Zeki’s Quirky Quest

Palia Embrace the Magic and Solve the Mystery - Your Epic Guide

Palia Walkthrough for Magical Mystery Machine Quest

Magical Mystery Machine

In the fantastical world of Palia, where magic is tightly regulated and massively taboo, our buddy Zeki is up to some secret magical shenanigans. And guess who gets dragged into it? You! As Zeki’s trusted wingman (or wingwoman), you’re tasked with helping him get his brand new machine up and running smoothly.

But wait, there’s a catch! Before you leap headfirst into this wild adventure, you must first satisfy a few prerequisites. Zeki will only spill the beans when your friendship reaches level three. So, get ready to complete his previous friendship quests: “Wares In Low Places” and “Spread The Word.”

Now, imagine this: Zeki, with an exclamation point hovering above his head like a glowing crown, eagerly awaits your arrival. Head over to him and brace yourself for the outpouring of magical mayhem that’s about to be unleashed!


How to Find the Right Metal Bar: Exploring for Explosions

To avoid turning innocents into human fireworks, Zeki needs your help finding the perfect metal for his machine. Now, he’s not particularly specific, except for one crucial detail—no Palium!

As a helpful henchman, bring Zeki an Iron Bar to kickstart the experimentation process. The moment he lays eyes on it, he’ll beg for four more.

Iron Acceptance

How to Obtain Iron Bars: A Miner’s Dream

Iron Ore nodes, hidden away mysteriously in Bahari Bay, hold the key to your metal-bar collecting escapade. These precious nodes can be found lurking amidst cliffs, bathing in the glory of hilltops, and even in unmarked caves scattered across the region.

Grab your pickaxe and mine up a whopping 20 Iron Ore—the raw materials required to craft the additional four Iron Bars. You can smelt these ores into bars using either a Basic Smelter or a Heavy Smelter. Once you’ve armed yourself with the necessary Iron Bars, joyfully return them to Zeki. He’ll snatch them from your grasp and promise to get back to you later with a progress report.

How to Find a Magical Bug or Fish: A Touch of Enchantment

Picture this—it’s the next day in Palia, and an innocent-looking letter cheekily arrives in your mailbox. Zeki is booming with excitement as he reveals that he now requires a fuel source for his contraption. A magical bug or fish should do the trick!

Thankfully, Zeki is not particularly picky when it comes to bugs and fish. His approved list includes the Paper Lantern Bug, Bahari Glowbug, and the Enchanted Pupfish. Catch any of these enchanting creatures, and proudly present your prize to Zeki.

Bug/Fish Where to Find It
Paper Lantern Bug Caught at southern and northern Bahari Bay, between six pm and three am.
Bahari Glowbug Caught at Southern Bahari Bay near Pulsewater Plains, Hideaway Bluff, and Beachcomber Cove, between six pm and three am.
Enchanted Pupfish Fished up in Fisherman’s Lagoon and the coasts of Kilima Valley using a Glow Worm at any time of day.

Once Zeki accepts your insect or fishy companion, he’ll invite you to his humble abode and reward you with a key to his room. Ooh, the intrigue!

Pupfish Catch

How to Test the Douplifier: Magic of the Replicas

With anticipation bubbling, take a trip to Zeki’s residence and venture into his personal domain—his room. Engage in conversation with Zeki, who will unveil his latest creation, the douplifier—a magnificent machine that transforms one item into two!

Zeki, overflowing with confidence, hands you an Apple Seed and urges you to duplicate it using his invention. Wield your power and interact with the Douplifier against the wall. Watch in awe as it disappears, only to gift you a second Apple Seed in return.

In a final heartfelt chat, Zeki expresses his gratitude for your invaluable assistance. He happily mentions that he plans to offer his creation to Badruu once the prototype is complete. Oh, the wonders of friendship and the power of duplicating apples!

As a token of his appreciation, Zeki rewards you generously. Prepare to receive an increase in relationship points, a shiny stash of 600 Gold, a star-quality Golden Salmon, 25 Renown, and a delightful bonus: two Apple Tree Seeds.

Before you go, remember to check out the next engaging Palia quest on your radar—the Plumehound Pilgrimage Quest. The fun never stops in the realm of Palia!

So, fellow gamers, are you ready to unravel the mysteries hidden within Palia? Join Zeki on this whimsical adventure and make your mark in the magical world.

Tell us about your magical encounters and don’t forget to share your own gaming tricks in the comments section below!