Pikmin 4 has a must-have feature that all games should steal

Pikmin 4 has a must-have feature that all games should steal

Pikmin 4: The Game that Knows Exactly What You Need

Pikmin 4 has done something truly groundbreaking: it has introduced a quality-of-life feature that other games should be stealing left and right. Picture this: you’re playing a game, and you need to consult the map. In most games, when you return to gameplay, you have to spend a few precious seconds figuring out which way to go. But not in Pikmin 4. Here, they have a game-changing feature where you can press a button on the map, and your character instantly faces the right direction when you return to the game. It may not sound like much, but trust me, it’s a game-changer.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Why is this such a big deal? It’s just a small feature.” Well, let me explain. How many times have you played a game, looked at the map, and then had to spend those precious seconds readjusting your character’s direction? It may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but when you add up those seconds over the countless games you’ve played in your life, it becomes a significant time sink. Pikmin 4 understands that every second counts, and they’ve found a way to streamline the experience. It’s a small touch, but it’s one that makes a world of difference.

But that’s not all. Pikmin 4 is full of delightful little touches that make the gameplay experience smoother and more enjoyable. Nintendo has always had a bit of a reputation for overlooking quality-of-life features, but Pikmin 4 is here to change that. They’ve implemented a whole range of mappable shortcuts that you can assign to your controller’s d-pad. Need to find a side quest? Just check the map in your home zone and teleport straight to it. And if you forget what happened in the story, no worries! There’s a story recap feature that you can access at any time. It’s the kind of feature that should be a standard in every game, but Pikmin 4 is one step ahead.

Nintendo has always been open to making games more accessible, and Pikmin 4 is no exception. They’ve introduced a feature called “rewind,” which acts as a checkpoint system. If you make a disastrous decision in the game and wipe out half your Pikmin, just rewind to a point before that happened. It’s quick, convenient, and spares you from losing too much progress. In previous Pikmin games, you would have had to start the whole day over again, which could be a major time sink. But not anymore. Pikmin 4 understands that sometimes we make split-second decisions we regret, and they’re here to save us from our own mistakes.

In our Pikmin 4 review, we hailed it as “the most approachable Pikmin entry ever,” and we stand by that statement. Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto himself wondered why Pikmin games hadn’t garnered the sales they deserved. Well, with Pikmin 4, they’ve made it their mission to bring in new players without sacrificing the depth and challenge that makes Pikmin so captivating. The developers prioritized ease of play while preserving the core essence of the game. They wanted new players to jump in and experience the fun of Pikmin without feeling overwhelmed. And boy, did they succeed.

I’ve been a fan of Pikmin since the beginning, and I couldn’t be happier with Pikmin 4. It’s filled with those little touches that alleviate the frustrations we’ve come to accept in other games. And you know what? I hope other developers shamelessly steal these ideas. We deserve more games that prioritize our enjoyment and understand the value of a seamless experience. Pikmin 4 has set the bar high, and I can only hope that future Switch games will follow suit.

So, grab your Pikmin and get ready for an adventure like no other. Pikmin 4 is waiting for you, ready to show you what gaming should be all about. Prepare to be delighted, amazed, and most importantly, to have a blast. Let’s make the world of gaming a better place, one quality-of-life feature at a time.