Pokemon GO: Getting Rapidash (Shiny Possible?)

Pokemon GO: Getting Rapidash (Shiny Possible?)

How to Catch Rapidash in Pokemon GO

Rapidash, the fiery speedster from the Kanto Region (Gen 1), has become a fan-favorite in Pokemon GO. While it may peacefully roam fields and plains, don’t underestimate its speed – it can reach up to a blazing 150 mph when enraged!

With a maximum CP of 2782, Rapidash is a formidable Fire-type Pokemon with respectable attack, defense, and stamina stats. It may be weak against Ground, Rock, and Water-type attacks, but it can hold its own against Bug, Fairy, Fire, Ice, Grass, and Steel-types. And hey, don’t forget about its shiny variant – a rare find for collectors!

So, how do you catch Rapidash and add it to your Pokedex? Well, you’ll need to start with a Ponyta. Ponyta can be found in the wild, and you can increase your chances of encountering one by using in-game items like Incense and Lure Modules.

If you want to maximize your Ponyta encounters, keep an eye on the weather. Rapidash thrives in sunny conditions, so try camping around areas with sunny weather to boost your chances. Attach a Lure Module to a PokeStop or Gym, activate an Incense, and explore the vicinity. This way, you’ll stack the effects of these in-game elements and sGear up the Ponyta spawn rate.

Once you catch a Ponyta, you can evolve it into the majestic Rapidash using 50 Candy. You can earn these candies by catching Pokemon, using berries during battles, transferring Pokemon, and even walking with your favorite buddy Pokemon. So get out there, catch those Ponytas, and ride proudly with your new Rapidash!


How to Catch Shiny Rapidash in Pokemon GO

If you’re on the hunt for something even more special, a Shiny Rapidash, listen up! Just like its standard version, you won’t find a Shiny Rapidash in the wild. But fear not, you can still add this majestic creature to your collection by first catching a Shiny Ponyta.

Remember the strategy we mentioned earlier? It works wonders for encountering Shiny Ponyta too! The more Ponyta spawns you come across, the faster you’ll increase your chances of encountering a Shiny Ponyta. Once you have one in your grasp, you can evolve it into a powerful Shiny Rapidash using 50 Pokemon GO Candy.

So, grab your Poke Balls, use those items, and explore the world of Pokemon GO to find Rapidash and its shiny counterpart. Let the flames of excitement burn bright as you embark on this thrilling adventure!

Shiny Rapidash

Pokemon GO is available for Android and iOS.

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