Pokemon GO: Rhyhorn Spotlight Hour Guide (Shiny Rhyhorn?)

Pokemon GO: Rhyhorn Spotlight Hour Guide (Shiny Rhyhorn?)

Pokemon GO: Rhyhorn Spotlight Hour – Catch ’em All!

Rhyhorn Spotlight Hour

Hey trainers! Get ready to rock and roll with the return of Spotlight Hour in Pokemon GO. This time around, the spotlight shines on none other than the mighty Rhyhorn! Strap on your adventure hats and prepare for an hour of excitement as Rhyhorn spawns like never before.

Rhyhorn: Power and Evolution

Rhyhorn is a tough nut to crack. With its dual Ground and Rock typing and a Stamina stat to envy, this Pokemon packs a punch. But let’s face it, most trainers are just itching to evolve this powerhouse. And who can blame them? A fully evolved Rhyhorn turns into the mighty Rhydon, and with further evolution, you can obtain the behemoth that is Rhyperior – one of the strongest Pokemon in the game!

Pokemon GO: Rhyhorn Spotlight Hour Time and Bonus

Shiny Rhyhorn

Mark your calendars, trainers! The Rhyhorn Spotlight Hour begins on Tuesday, July 18 at 6:00 PM local time and lasts for a thrilling hour until 7:00 PM. During this time, the spawn rate of Rhyhorn will skyrocket, giving you ample chances to add it to your collection.

But that’s not all, folks! As an extra special treat, you’ll receive a fantastic 2× Catch XP reward. So get your Poke Balls ready and prepare to level up while catching ’em all!

Hunting Tips for Shiny Rhyhorn

Now, let’s tackle the burning question on every trainer’s mind: Can Rhyhorn be shiny? The answer is a resounding YES! Shiny Rhyhorn made its debut in 2020, and with the increased spawn rate during the Rhyhorn Spotlight Hour, your chances of encountering this elusive variant are higher than ever.

But how can you maximize your shiny chances? We’ve got you covered! Here are some pro tips:

  1. Weather Boost: Keep your eyes on the weather forecast! Sunny and partly cloudy weather can greatly boost Rhyhorn spawns. So, gear up and head to areas with these weather conditions for a fruitful hunting session.

  2. Incense and Lure Module: Supercharge your Pokemon encounters by attaching a Lure Module to a PokeStop or Gym with sunny or partly cloudy weather. Activate an Incense and take a stroll around the area during the Spotlight Hour. This winning combo will supercharge Rhyhorn spawns and increase your chances of encountering that elusive shiny variant.

Remember, the more Rhyhorn you encounter, the higher your odds of finding a shiny one. So get out there, trainers, and make the most of this Rhyhorn Spotlight Hour!

Pokemon GO is available for Android and iOS. Get ready for an adventure like no other!

For more Pokemon GO tips and tricks, check out our guide on How to Beat Giovanni (July 2023).