🎮 Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 🚀

Despite the increased availability of servers, the Classic Collection is not experiencing a strong start.

Re-release of Star Wars Battlefront games gets mixed reviews on Steam due to limited multiplayer server space with only 192 spots available.

The highly anticipated Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection has finally been released across PC and consoles, and fans couldn’t wait to jump into the action. However, much to their disappointment, the game got off to a rather rough start. Let’s take a closer look at what went wrong and what it means for players.

The Great Server Dilemma: Where Are They? 🌐

Imagine blasting your way through the galaxy, lightsaber in hand, ready to take on the Sith with your friends. Except, there’s one big problem – there are no servers! Many players trying to access multiplayer modes noticed a shocking lack of servers available to choose from.

Reports flooded in from PC players stating that they could only see three multiplayer servers, each with a maximum capacity of 64 players. That’s a measly 192 spots in total! 😱

🔍 Source: Sebbaku

Server Scarcity: The Battlefront Blues 🤷

To make matters worse, there was conflicting information on how these servers were spread out across the games in the collection. Some Steam reviews claimed that there were no servers available for Star Wars: Battlefront 1. This left players scratching their heads, desperately seeking a place to unleash their Jedi skills.

Considering SteamDB’s player stats, which showed an army of over 9,000 PC players storming the game collection simultaneously, it’s no wonder people had trouble finding a multiplayer game to join. There simply weren’t enough spaces for everyone.

💡 For more information, check out SteamDB’s player stats. 💻

A Glimmer of Hope: More Servers Arrive! 🌟

Thankfully, it seems the Force was with us, and more servers have been added to alleviate the dire situation. Players who are just now loading up the collection should have a better shot at finding a game. However, for those eager to dive in as soon as the re-release launched, the damage was done.

The lack of servers had a significant impact on players, resulting in an onslaught of ‘Mostly Negative’ Steam reviews. As of now, only a mere 21% of the 1,309 reviews are positive. Ouch. 😔

🗨️ “Was only able to join one Heroes VS Villains match and the Heroes side was completely broken. No one could join the Heroes team which resulted in no one to fight against,” one reviewer wrote.

🗨️ “After two hours, they finally launched the servers, and they are TERRIBLE. Horrible ping, stuttering, and by tomorrow cheaters will be rampant,” another player posted.

The Solo Adventure: Single-Player Modes Save the Day 🌌

Fortunately, all hope is not lost. Despite the server issues plaguing the multiplayer experience, players can still enjoy the single-player modes. So, if you’re itching to explore the Star Wars universe and wield a lightsaber, fear not! There is still a galaxy of adventure waiting for you.

Looking for more Star Wars gaming goodness? Check out our roundup of the best Star Wars games you can play right now.

📚 References:

🎮 What’s your Battlefront Classic Collection experience been like? Have you faced any server woes or have you been enjoying the game to the fullest? Share your thoughts in the comments below and let’s join forces! 🚀

Don’t forget to share this article with your fellow Star Wars fans and may the servers be forever in your favor! 🌟✨