Starfield and Red Dead Redemption 2 winning controversial awards raises questions about the importance of The Steam Awards.

But what can you do about a plain popularity competition?

The Steam Awards 2023 Winners: Fan Vote or Fan Fiasco?

The winners of The Steam Awards 2023 were announced yesterday, and while some victors basked in the glory of their achievements, there were others whose victories raised eyebrows and sparked controversy. Let’s dive into the results and examine the value of the fan vote. 🏆🤔

Baldur’s Gate 3: A Story-Rich Triumph

🎮 The big winner of the night was none other than Baldur’s Gate 3, which claimed not one, but two prestigious awards: Game of the Year and Outstanding Story-Rich Game. It’s no surprise considering the remarkable narrative and immersive gameplay experience that Larian Studios delivered with this epic adventure. 👏✨

Lethal Company: Better With Friends?

Another deserving winner was Lethal Company, which snagged the ‘Better With Friends’ award. This multiplayer marvel undoubtedly knows how to bring people together for an exciting and chaotic gaming experience. Remember, folks, everything is better with friends, including wreaking havoc in digital worlds! 🎉🎮

Dave the Diver: Dive into Relaxation

Now, for a more laid-back experience, we have the winner of the Relaxing Vibes Award: Dave the Diver. Who wouldn’t want to immerse themselves in a serene underwater world, exploring hidden treasures and chilling with aquatic creatures? Sometimes, we all need a break from the intense action and just unwind. 🌊🏊‍♂️

Starfield: Innovative or Old Hat?

🚀 And now we come to the award that has raised the most eyebrows: Most Innovative Gameplay. The recipient, Starfield by Bethesda, is undeniably a highly anticipated title. However, in terms of innovation, it seems more like a familiar tune with new lyrics. While the game stays true to Bethesda’s signature style, it may not qualify as groundbreaking innovation. But hey, who are we to argue with popular opinion? 🤷‍♀️🚀

Red Dead Redemption 2: A Labor of Love?

🤠 Moving on to the Labor of Love Award, which recognizes developers who tirelessly support and nurture their creations, we find Red Dead Redemption 2, a game that continues to captivate players. However, it’s worth mentioning that all the other contenders in this category were actual multiplayer games, unlike Red Dead Redemption 2, which has predominantly single-player gameplay. The devotion of the Red Dead Online community speaks volumes, though, even if they’ve held funerals for their “dead” game. 🎸🎶

The Last of Us Part 1: A Soundtrack of the Past

🎵 Lastly, we have The Last of Us Part 1, which secured the award for Best Soundtrack. There’s no denying the excellence of Gustavo Santaolalla’s score, but let’s be honest, the game was initially released in 2013. Its inclusion in the 2023 awards hints at the lingering power of fandom and its influence on the voting process. Let’s hope that future editions of The Steam Awards will focus more on recent releases for this category. 🎮🎶

So, Are the Steam Awards a True Reflection of Quality?

At the end of the day, The Steam Awards are primarily driven by fan votes. As a popularity contest, it’s no surprise that the winners often come from well-established studios with massive followings, such as Bethesda, Rockstar, and Naughty Dog. While some may question the legitimacy of the winners, it’s important to remember that these awards reflect the voices and choices of the community. 📢💬

However, it begs the question: Can a popularity contest be easily manipulated? Perhaps adjustments could be made to ensure a more balanced and representative selection. But where does that leave the winners who rightfully received their accolades based on the fans’ choices? Food for thought, indeed. 🤔🍔

What About the Other Awesome Games on Steam?

If you’re looking for some amazing games to play on Steam, don’t fret! We’ve curated a definitive list of the best Steam games you can enjoy right now. These titles offer a variety of genres, styles, and experiences, ensuring that there’s something for everyone. Check it out and discover your next gaming obsession! 🎮🔥

Q&A: Your Burning Questions Answered!

Q: Can the winners of The Steam Awards influence the gaming industry?

A: Absolutely! Winning a Steam Award provides recognition and validation for the developers, which can boost sales and increase interest in their games. It also encourages studios to continue delivering quality content, pushing the boundaries of innovation and storytelling in the gaming industry.

Q: How are the nominees for The Steam Awards selected?

A: The nomination process involves a combination of player votes and Valve’s internal selections. Valve gathers player nominations and uses them as a starting point to create shortlists for each award category. From there, fans have the final say in determining the winners through the voting process.

Q: Are fan votes the only factor in determining the winners?

A: Yes, The Steam Awards rely solely on fan votes. While some argue that this can lead to popularity biases, it does provide an opportunity for players to have their voices heard and celebrate the games they love. It’s essential to keep in mind that personal preferences and tastes vary, which ultimately shapes the outcome of these awards.

Q: How can I participate in The Steam Awards voting?

A: To cast your vote for The Steam Awards, simply head over to the Steam store during the voting period, browse through the nominated games in each category, and make your selections. Remember, every vote counts, so make sure your favorite games receive the recognition they deserve!


Did the winners of The Steam Awards surprise you? Share your thoughts and favorite picks in the comments below, and don’t forget to spread the word about this article on social media! Let’s continue the conversation and celebrate the world of gaming together! 🎉🎮💬