The Sims 4: Furniture Resizing, Moving, and Rotating Guide

The Sims 4: Furniture Resizing, Moving, and Rotating Guide

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“The Sims 4” is not just about living the life of your Sims or exploring your fashion sense. It’s also an opportunity for you to unleash your inner architect and interior designer in build mode! Whether you want to create your dream house from scratch or give an existing lot a makeover, this guide will teach you the basics of resizing, moving, rotating, and placing furniture items. Get ready to flex your creative muscles, both on PC and console!

How To Enter Build Mode

Build Menu

There are two ways to enter build mode: through the world map or via a household. The choice depends on whether you just want to build or if you want to make specific changes to a household.

Building From The World Map

Build Mode from World Map

If you’re in the world map, select the lot you want to edit. Look for the hammer and spanner icon in the bottom right corner and click on it. This will take you straight to build mode, where you can start from scratch or renovate existing buildings. There are no budget restrictions, but keep in mind that the cost of the lot will change once you save and exit. The best part is, if a household lives on the lot, editing their house won’t affect their finances!

Building From Live Mode

Build Mode from Live Mode

If you want your renovations to be realistic, enter the household in live mode. Look for the hammer and spanner icon in the top right corner and click on it. Now you’re in build mode, and any purchases you make will be deducted from your household funds. Keep an eye out for items with a red background, which means you can’t afford them. No cheating now!

How To Place Furniture

Moving Furniture

Placing furniture is a piece of cake! Simply browse through the build and buy catalogue using your mouse or direction buttons. Once you’ve found the perfect item, select it by clicking the left mouse button (A on Xbox or X on PlayStation). The selected item will stick to your cursor, allowing you to move it around freely. Change floors with furniture in your hand, and when you find the perfect spot, select again to place it. Keep an eye out for the green box, indicating a valid tile for placement. If it’s red, something is in the way. Let’s keep those houses desGameTopiced for easy navigation!

How To Move Furniture More Precisely

Moving Furniture Around Grid

By default, all items will snap to the grid. However, if you want more control over placement, you can use the live drag feature. Select the item you want to move and hold down the appropriate button while using your mouse or direction keys. On PC, hold Alt; on Xbox, press X; and on PlayStation, press square. This will allow you to place items slightly off-center or closer to other items. Don’t worry, you won’t be able to drag the item out of its grid, but you’ll have more precision. If you want complete free placement, use the move objects cheat on PC or toggle between grid, half grid, and free object placement on Xbox and PlayStation.

How To Move Items Up And Down

Moving Items Up and Down

On PC, you can move items up and down using the 0 and 9 keys. This is especially useful for mirrors and placing clutter items onto shelves at different angles. On console, enable the move objects cheat and then select your item. Press both triggers and up/down on Xbox, or L2 and R2 as well as up/down on PlayStation to change the item’s elevation.

How To Rotate Furniture

Rotated Chairs

With your furniture selected, it’s time to get creative with rotations. On PC, hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse to rotate the item. This works in Sims 3 Camera mode, so make sure you’re in the right camera mode. Alternatively, you can use the comma and full stop buttons on your keyboard, with each one rotating in the direction of the triangle brackets. On Xbox, use LB and RB to rotate, and on PlayStation, use L1 and R1. For even more precise rotation, hold down Alt while rotating in Sims 3 Camera mode on PC, or press LB/RB together while rotating with the right stick on Xbox. On PlayStation, it’s L1/R1 together and the right stick.

How To Make Furniture Bigger And Smaller

Resized Plant

Sometimes, the size of an item just doesn’t fit your vision. To change the size, press [ and ] on PC, or both triggers on Xbox, or L2 and R2 on PlayStation. Keep in mind that the resized item will still take up the same amount of grid spots, so it may clash with other items. Interactions and animations will also remain unchanged, so choose the items you resize wisely. Rugs, plants, lights, and other decor items are usually the best candidates for resizing. You can even resize dolls houses, as most of the animation takes place outside the house and still looks great with size changes.

Now that you have the basics down, it’s time to level up your building skills in The Sims 4! Happy building!