The Witcher: Potential Season 4 Characters & Casting Ideas

The Witcher: Potential Season 4 Characters & Casting Ideas

Fun and Interesting Witcher Character Casting Ideas for Season 4

With Season 3 of The Witcher already out, fans can’t help but eagerly anticipate the next season. Sure, there might be some disappointment over Geralt’s recasting, but there’s so much more to look forward to! Season 4 will bring new faces to the Witcher universe and take our beloved heroes on exciting journeys into uncharted territory. And what’s even more thrilling? Speculating about who will play these new characters!

6. Zoltan – Martin Klebba


Zoltan is one of Geralt’s colorful companions, always ready to lend a hand (or an ax) in their adventures. This charismatic Dwarf knows how to bring humor and gravity to any situation, making him a reliable ally. He might have a shady past involving some unscrupulous activities, but he’s unapologetic about doing what it takes to survive. And that brutal honesty is refreshing!

For the role of Zoltan, we suggest Martin Klebba. You might remember him as Marty from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Despite having few lines, Klebba delivers each one with conviction. He has a commanding presence and body language that speaks volumes. It’s the perfect mix of subtle strength and danger that Zoltan needs!

5. Regis – Peter Franzen


Meet Regis, the vampire struggling with addiction. He’s a peaceful, charming man who also has a dark past filled with bloodshed. It’s a constant battle for redemption, and readers can’t help but like him, even if they’re not sure they can fully trust him.

We think Peter Franzen, known for his role as Harald Finehair in Vikings, would be a perfect fit for Regis. Franzen brings a self-deprecating charm and earnestness to his performances, making you both pity and laugh at his character. It’s that balance that perfectly captures the appeal of Regis!

4. Angouleme – Eleanor Worthington-Cox


Angouleme, the lively and mischievous member of Geralt’s group, adds a dash of unpredictability. She loves to tease and doesn’t hold back with blunt comments and childish insults. But beneath her playful exterior, she’s fiercely loyal to Geralt and sees their group as a surrogate family. She effortlessly straddles the line between cute and annoying.

To bring Angouleme to life, we suggest Eleanor Worthington-Cox. Her portrayal of Cait in Britannia showcases her ability to channel the same plucky energy and emotional rawness that Angouleme embodies. Worthington-Cox’s talent for natural and funny deliveries, mixed with a tone of cynicism, would make her a shining star in the Witcher world!

3. Leo Bonhart – Richard Brake

Leo Bonhart

Leo Bonhart represents the dark side of the Witcher world. As a killer-for-hire assigned to hunt down Ciri’s allies, he revels in the thrill of the fight and the potential challenge she presents. His sadistic tendencies and knack for profit make him a truly intimidating antagonist. Season 3 gives us a glimpse of this menacing bounty hunter, and it’s only a matter of time before we see his face.

To bring Bonhart to life, look no further than Richard Brake. Known for playing a legion of villains in various projects, Brake’s physical presence and sneering menace leave audiences utterly repulsed in the best way possible. He has a steady monotone and a morbid allure reminiscent of a living corpse. In short, viewers wouldn’t want to share a room with him, which is exactly the reaction Bonhart should evoke!

2. Vysogota – Derek Jacobi


Whenever Vysogota is around, readers feel a sense of comfort. This wise old physician comes to Ciri’s aid, soothing her pain while also imparting valuable guidance. He’s a thoughtful and humble character who has experienced his fair share of misfortune, lending his advice and perspective to those in need.

For the role of Vysogota, we think Derek Jacobi is the perfect choice. With an extensive career on stage and screen, Jacobi’s portrayal of Cadfael showcases his ability to exude genuine empathy mixed with curiosity and discernment. He brings a measured nuance to his performances, delivering each scene with Shakespearean gravitas. That kind of weight is essential for a character like Vysogota!

1. Shani – Eileen O’Higgins


Shani, the spunky and endearing heroine, may have a brief appearance, but she leaves a lasting impression. She starts as a naive and sassy student but quickly matures as she becomes a nurse in the Nilfgaardian War. The gruesome sights she witnesses shape her sense of purpose, making her a character you can’t help but root for.

Eileen O’Higgins would be a fantastic choice for Shani. Her performance in Dead Still showcases a spontaneous spark, mixed with occasional dry humor, that perfectly captures Shani’s character. O’Higgins portrays her as proficient and knowledgeable without being overbearing, striking a delicate balance that is not easy to achieve.

And let’s not forget O’Higgins’ remarkable work in Billy the Kid as the outlaw’s mother. She masterfully portrays a character undergoing a tragic transformation, showcasing heartbreak and pain while internalizing it for her children’s sake. Her layered performance resonates with a profound sense of pathos. With such talent, there’s no doubt O’Higgins can bring Shani to life effortlessly!

So there you have it, our fun and interesting casting suggestions for the new characters in The Witcher Season 4. We can’t wait to see who ultimately takes on these roles and brings these fantastic characters to life on the screen. Until then, let the speculations and excitement continue!

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