Unlocking Pickaxe, 9mm Daemon, and Lachmann Shroud in CoD: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone

Unlocking Pickaxe, 9mm Daemon, and Lachmann Shroud in CoD: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone

Guide to Unlocking Season 5 Reloaded Weapons in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone

pickaxe melee weapon

Season 5 Reloaded is here, and it’s bringing a flurry of new content to satisfy your gaming cravings. We’ve got a new multiplayer map, a Warzone Resurgence map, and even the legendary Lara Croft joining the battlefield as a playable operator. But that’s not all – there are also three new weapons up for grabs: the pickaxe, 9mm Daemon pistol, and the Lachmann Shroud submachine gun. So, let’s delve into how to unlock these babies and unleash chaos upon your enemies!

Unleashing the Pickaxe

pickaxe melee weapon

First up, we have the pickaxe – a weapon that lets you sneakily take down foes in style. The pickaxe, along with other Season 5 Reloaded weapons, can be unlocked through an in-game challenge or by purchasing a bundle from the store. To unlock it for free, you’ll need to complete the following challenge:

Unlock challenge: Get 15 operator kills with melee weapons

It’s as simple as that! Whether you prefer the frenetic chaos of multiplayer or the thrill of battle royale, pick a suitable game mode and start hunting down your prey. We recommend hopping into a small map playlist like Shipment 24/7 for some quick, up-close-and-personal action. Just remember, the kills need to be with melee weapons, so don’t go trigger-happy with your firearms!

Mastering the 9mm Daemon

9mm Daemon pistol

Up next is the 9mm Daemon – a tactical pistol with a semi-automatic fire rate that can be dual-wielded. To get your hands on this beast of a sidearm, you’ll need to complete the following challenge:

Unlock challenge: Get 15 operator headshot kills with pistols

Precision is the name of the game here. Grab your favorite pistol and start aiming for those sweet headshots. If you’re looking for some intense, fast-paced action to complete this challenge quickly, diving into a small map playlist like Shipment 24/7 is the way to go. Remember, the kills must be with pistols, and AI opponents won’t count, so save your bullets for real players.

Unveiling the Lachmann Shroud

Lachmann Shroud submachine gun

Last but certainly not least, we have the enigmatic Lachmann Shroud – a stealthy submachine gun with an integrated suppressor. This versatile firearm can be fired in both burst and semi-auto modes, making it a deadly choice. However, before you can unlock it, you’ll need to first acquire the pickaxe and the 9mm Daemon. Once the prerequisites are met, it’s time to face this challenge:

Unlock challenge: Get 30 operator hip fire kills with submachine guns

Forget about aiming down sights – it’s time to unleash your wild side! Simply equip your preferred submachine gun and let loose without bothering with precision aiming. Spray and pray your way to victory! Again, remember that the kills should be against other operators, and AI opponents won’t count towards your progress.

DMZ Extractions for the Adventurous

If you’re feeling particularly daring, there’s another way to unlock these Season 5 Reloaded weapons – through successful DMZ extractions. How does it work, you ask? Well, let me tell you!

Unlock challenge: Extract the weapon from DMZ

If you have a friend who already possesses any of these new weapons, you’re in luck! Ask them to equip it to their custom loadout and invite them to join you in a match. Once the round starts, they can drop the weapon for you to pick up. But be warned, you’ll need to make it out alive with the weapon in your possession! Successfully exfil from the match, and the weapon is all yours. Who said teamwork wasn’t rewarding?

And there you have it! A few different paths to obtain those shiny new Season 5 Reloaded weapons. Now go forth, wreak havoc, and leave your opponents in awe of your deadly arsenal. Remember, it’s not just about the weapons, but the style with which you wield them!

Store Bundles – Embrace the Lara Croft Fever!

Things are about to get Lara-tastic! Along with the pickaxe and the 9mm Daemon, you can also grab them both as part of the upcoming Lara Croft operator bundle. This Tomb Raider-inspired bundle will include the Croft Manner finishing move, a vehicle skin, loading screen, and other exciting goodies. Keep an eye out for its arrival on September 9 – it’s bound to be an adventure worth every penny! Priced at 2,400 CoD Points ($20), this bundle is your ticket to becoming the ultimate tomb raider on the battlefield.

But what about the Lachmann Shroud, you ask? Fear not, fellow warriors! While a bundle for the Lachmann Shroud hasn’t been unveiled yet, we’re confident it’ll make its grand entrance later in the season. So stay vigilant, because greatness awaits!

If you’re hungry for more loadout inspiration and want to shake up your gameplay, check out our recommended loadout guide for Warzone. It’ll help you fine-tune your arsenal and step up your game. Now go out there, soldier, and bring glory to your name!

(Note: The original content lacked images, so it was impossible to retain any images in the final output. I apologize for the inconvenience.)