Valorant: Sova Pearl Lineups

Valorant: Sova Pearl Lineups

As a Sova player in Valorant, you have the power to take your game to the next level with some epic lineups in Pearl. These lineups are not only useful in post-plant situations but can also provide valuable information during the round. So, gear up and get ready to unleash the power of Sova!

Lineup From A Main To A Site

Sova Pearl A universal lineup

This lineup is a game-changer. By mastering it, you’ll be able to reveal everyone on A Site, Secret, and maybe even Dugout if you’re lucky. It’s like having a cheat code for clearing the right corner as soon as you enter A Site from A Main.

To execute this lineup, head to A Main and look for the yellow stripes on the wall with “KINGDOM” written on them. Position yourself against the closest stripe, then turn around and spot the art on the adjacent wall. It looks like a big crane.

Now, pull out your Recon dart and aim exactly where the crosshair is in the image above. Charge the bar fully, activate one bounce, and release the arrow. It will land on the edge of the building, revealing any enemy presence on A Site. For a closer look at the aiming point, refer to the close-up picture provided.

Lineup From A Restaurant To A Site

Sova Pearl A lineup

This lineup is perfect for clearing the right corner at the beginning of A Site when you’re entering through A Main and A Link. To execute it, position yourself at the edge of the elevated platform in A Restaurant, then look upwards to find the white stripe at the top. You can use the gap in the wall on the left as a reference for aiming.

Once you’ve lined up your shot, give it a gentle tap without charging it. The arrow will land on the right spot, revealing any lurking enemies. Now you can advance with confidence!

Lineup From A Restaurant To Mid Doors

Sova Pearl mid lineup

This lineup is a must-know if you want to catch enemies off guard at Mid Doors. It reveals anyone camping in that area or lurking in B Link. To execute this lineup, position yourself at the brown door on the first building to the right of Attackers Spawn. Aim up high, aligning your drone icon with the left lamp on the doorway to mid.

Charge your shot to around one and a half bars, then release the dart. The recon will land above the box near Mid Doors, giving you valuable information for the assault. Don’t forget to take advantage of the fragile doors and wallbang anyone caught off guard!

Lineup From Mid Plaza To A Site

Sova Pearl A secret lineup

When you’ve gained control of Mid and plan to take over A Site, this lineup is your secret weapon. It reveals enemies on A Link and the front site. To execute this lineup, position yourself on the white elevated structure in the middle of the Plaza, on the right side of Mid Doors.

Once in position, look towards the air on your right side and aim your crosshair at the gap in the building. Charge your shot to a little past the first bar and release the dart. It will land on the edge of Dugout, providing crucial information for your team’s assault.

Lineup From A Site To A Main

Sova Pearl A Main Lineup

This lineup is a defensive ace up your sleeve. It reveals any push coming from A Main while you’re defending the site. To execute this lineup, position yourself behind the structure in the middle of the back site, near the door with “APENAS” written on it.

Push yourself towards the door until you can’t go forward, then look towards the middle doorway leading to A Main. Aim at the top center of the figure on the door, charge your shot a little past the first charge, and release it. The recon will reveal any enemies between A Main and A Restaurant, giving you the upper hand in defending the site.

Lineup From Defender Spawn To B Main

Sova Pearl B Main Lineup

Retaking B Site can be challenging, but this lineup will make your job a little easier. It reveals enemies in B Main and beside the box on the site. To execute this lineup, head to the pillar with the B Site label in front of Defender’s Spawn.

Position yourself close to the pillar, making sure it’s in the middle of your screen. Then, look towards the site and aim at the hut of the building on the right side. Charge your shot to the first bar and release the dart. The recon will reveal any enemies in B Main and on the site, providing crucial information for your retake.

Lineup From Attacker Spawn To B Main

Sova Pearl B Lineup

Attacking B Site on Pearl can be challenging, but this lineup will give you the edge you need. It reveals anyone peeking from Tower or Tunnel and forces campers behind Screens to relocate (possibly right into your crosshairs).

To execute this lineup, head left from Attacker Side Spawn and go through the alleyway leading to Mid Shops and B Club. Once through the alleyway, position yourself at the edge between the two walls on the right side. Look for the white stripe at the top and aim in that direction.

Charge your shot a little past the first bar and release it. The recon will reveal enemies on B Site, catching them off guard and giving you a clear path to take over the site.

Now that you’re armed with these Sova lineups in Pearl, you’ll have a major advantage in the game. Remember to practice them and adapt them to your playstyle. Good luck, and may your arrows always find their mark!