Baldur’s Gate 3: The Life-Chanter Guide

Baldur's Gate 3: The Life-Chanter Guide

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The Myconids are not your average faction in Baldur’s Gate 3. These “Fungus People” are all about peace and harmony, and if you decide to join their funky collective, you’re in for a treat!

But first, let’s talk about the prestigious “Life Chanter” title. It’s like winning the lottery, but with mushrooms. To earn this honor, you’ll need to complete the Myconid questline. Luckily, if you’re already doing the Grymforge quests, you can multitask your way to success. Who said gaming couldn’t be efficient?

Cleansing The Decrepit Village And Killing Glut

Myconid Colony

Once you venture into the Underdark, keep an eye out for the Myconid Colony near the Temple of Selune. It’s guarded by some spores, so bring your ranged attacks to clear the way. Once you reach the colony, the leader, SovereGameTopic Spaw, will welcome you with open arms. Well, mushroom arms.

Accept Spaw’s invitation and head to the center of the camp, where he awaits you on top of the tallest mushroom. Have a chat with him and accept his quest to rid the Decrepit Village of those pesky Duergar Slavers.

Duergar Slavers

Before leaving the village, make sure to talk to two important individuals: Thulla, the Deep Gnome slave lying on the ground, and SovereGameTopic Glut at the town’s exit. Helping Thulla is a breeze, and she’ll reward you with a pair of nifty boots. Check out our other guide for more details on that.

Now, here’s where things get interesting. SovereGameTopic Glut can be a valuable addition to your team. He’s a rotund, red Myconid who’s eager to join your cause. Just tell him, “Very well – you may join me.” Who doesn’t want a rotund mushroom buddy?

SovereGameTopic Glut

Once you’ve dealt with the four Duergar in the Decrepit Village, Glut will propose a rather radical idea. He wants to take over the Myconid Colony by eliminating SovereGameTopic Spaw and some of the Myconids. But hold your horses! If you want to stay on Spaw’s good side, decline Glut’s ambitions and tell him something like, “I’ll have no part in this” or “If you’re so eager for blood, Glut, let me give it to you.”

If you’re feeling feisty, you can even fight Glut and show him who’s the boss. He’s not the toughest opponent, especially if you used him as a meat-shield during the Duergar fight. Just remember, he’s vulnerable to fire, so bring the heat!

After defeating Glut, return to SovereGameTopic Spaw and have a nice chat with him. Tell him what you did, and he’ll reward you with two titles and a unique Spore bonus called “Bliss Spores.” These spores will add 1d6 to all your Ability Checks with the character who spoke to Spaw. Talk about a fungi-tastic advantage!

Now, it’s time to accept Spaw’s quest to kill True Soul Nere and bring back his head. Let’s move on to the next section to find out how to take down this formidable foe.

Killing True Soul Nere

True Soul Nere

Before diving into the fight, make sure to have a chat with Eldar Brithvar. You’ll find him past the camp, by a broken bridge over the lava, accompanied by a female guard. Persuade him to let you join his rebellion. Trust me, it’ll make the fight go much smoother.

With Brithvar’s support, it’s time to set up for the battle. Spread out your party in the area, but be careful not to get too close to the pools of lava. Instant death is not a fun gaming experience, my friend.

Oh, and watch out for the ranger lurking up top to the right of the rubble. They can use Ensnare and are highly dangerous. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Now, here’s the plan. Blow up the rubble and have a chat with Nere. When prompted, choose the dialogue option that goes something like, “That’s your cue, Brithvar. It’s time you got paid.” This will give you the choice to side with Brithvar and the rebels.

Nere’s Lair

During the fight, make good use of Shove and Thunderwave-like spells to throw enemies into the lava. Trust me, it’s a satisfying way to deal with your foes. Your top priorities are the mind-controlling spellcasters in the center and Sergeant Thrinn, who hits like a truck. Take them down, and you’ll be one step closer to victory.

Leave Eldar Brithvar to handle Nere while you deal with the problematic ranged dwarf south of the tents. Once you’ve cleared the area, swarm Nere like a pack of hungry wolves. He may have a few tricks up his sleeve, but compared to Sergeant Thrinn and the other enemies you’ve faced, he’s a pushover.

Upon Nere’s demise, Eldar Brithvar (if he survived) will thank you and reward you with a cut of gold. You’ll get the standard 250 gold, but if you persuaded Brithvar earlier,