Warzone Players Demand Removal of Modern Warfare 2 Guns

Fans of Call of Duty Warzone are divided on the inclusion of weapons from Modern Warfare 2, with many requesting their complete removal from the game.

Call of Duty Warzone players want MW2 guns gone!

Call of Duty: Warzone players are expressing their dissatisfaction with the current state of weapon distribution in the game, specifically taking issue with the inclusion of Modern Warfare 2 guns. This has ignited a firestorm within the community, with a significant number of players calling for the complete removal of these weapons from the Call of Duty: Warzone loot pool.

Shifting the Meta

The integration of Modern Warfare 3 weapons in Warzone has dramatically changed the game’s meta, leaving some players disappointed with the effectiveness of their favorite Modern Warfare 2 weapons. While some players believe that certain Modern Warfare 2 weapons are still viable in the current meta, others suggest removing them from ground loot but still allowing them to be selected in player loadouts.

The Warzone Revolution

With the release of the Modern Warfare 3 Season 1 update, the Call of Duty franchise entered a new era, seamlessly integrating the game with Warzone. To ensure that players didn’t lose their progress during the transition, developers allowed for the transfer of blueprints, weaponry, cosmetic content, bundles, Operators, and more from Modern Warfare 2 to Modern Warfare 3 through the “carry forward” feature. However, the arrival of Modern Warfare 3 weapons in Warzone marked a drastic change in the game.

The Community’s Cry

A recent Reddit post by user Henry_Sabondo has sparked a heated debate within the Warzone community. The post expressed disappointment with the inclusion of Modern Warfare 2 weapons, criticizing their high Time to Kill rates, poor visual recoil, and limited mobility. Furthermore, the user suggested that their presence in the game might be a tactic to encourage players to purchase Modern Warfare 3. The post also highlighted that some of the best weapons in the game are from the Modern Warfare 3 arsenal, rendering the previous generation of weapons virtually redundant in the current meta.

Divided Opinions

Many fans echoed the sentiment of the post, agreeing that it would make sense for developers to either remove the older Modern Warfare 2 weapons or update them to become worthy competitors to the extremely powerful Modern Warfare 3 loadouts. Some players expressed disappointment that their once-favorite weapons are no longer effective after the Modern Warfare 3 integration. Balancing these weapons could be a challenging and time-consuming task, so removing them altogether may be the best solution.

On the other hand, some players believe that certain Modern Warfare 2 weapons, like the ISO 9mm, Fennec, and MCPR-300, are still viable in the current meta. While acknowledging that some other weapons are underperforming, they argue that not all weapons need to be removed or drastically altered. Although many suspect that this move is a tactic to make leveling up Modern Warfare 3 weapons more difficult for players who haven’t purchased the game, removing the weapons completely may render paid skins redundant – something that players won’t be happy about. A potential solution proposed by several players involves removing Modern Warfare 2 weapons from the ground loot while still allowing them to be selected in player loadouts. Whether the developers will adopt these changes remains to be seen.

Q&A Section:

Q: Why are players upset about the inclusion of Modern Warfare 2 guns in Warzone? A: Players are upset because the integration of Modern Warfare 3 weapons has drastically shifted the game’s meta, leaving their favorite Modern Warfare 2 weapons less effective.

Q: Are any Modern Warfare 2 weapons still viable in the current meta? A: Some players believe that certain Modern Warfare 2 weapons, like the ISO 9mm, Fennec, and MCPR-300, are still viable in the current meta. However, others argue that many of these weapons underperform compared to the powerful Modern Warfare 3 loadouts.

Q: Will the developers remove the Modern Warfare 2 weapons from Warzone? A: While players have voiced their concerns and suggestions, it remains to be seen whether the developers will remove the Modern Warfare 2 weapons from Warzone or adopt a different solution.


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Now it’s your turn to weigh in! Are you a Call of Duty: Warzone player? What are your thoughts on the inclusion of Modern Warfare 2 guns in the game? Share your opinions in the comments and don’t forget to hit that share button if you found this article informative and entertaining! Let’s spread the word and keep the discussion going on social media! 🌟💥✨