đź’Ą Resident Evil 9: Balancing Legacy and Relatability in Choosing a Protagonist đź’Ą

Resident Evil 9 could benefit from having another relatable protagonist like Ethan Winters, but this would also pose a significant risk.

Resident Evil 9 with a Regular Protagonist Has a Big Problem

👾 It’s time to brace ourselves for the next terrifying installment in the Resident Evil franchise: Resident Evil 9! But with the conclusion of Ethan Winters’ story in Resident Evil Village, the choice of protagonist for the upcoming game poses a challenge for Capcom. Should they stick with a familiar face, like Chris Redfield or Leon Kennedy, or introduce a new character who can capture the relatable everyman persona that made Ethan so compelling? Let’s dive into the murky depths of this precarious decision and explore the possibilities! 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️

🌟 Legacy Characters vs. Relatable Newcomers 🌟

Resident Evil 9 finds itself at a crossroads in terms of its protagonist. 📍(For an interesting list of powerful bosses in Resident Evil games, check out this link: 18 Powerful Bosses in Resident Evil Games) Should Capcom stick to the familiar faces that have become icons in the franchise, or should they take a risk and introduce a new character who can capture the essence of Ethan Winters’ relatable vulnerability? It’s a tough decision to make with its own set of narrative challenges.

🧟‍♂️ In the past, Resident Evil games shifted away from their horror roots, focusing more on larger-than-life heroes who seemed invincible. These protagonists, while iconic, never truly made us feel the palpable fear and tension that true horror requires. But then came Ethan Winters, an ordinary guy who sacrificed a bit of charm for relatability. With Ethan, the series regained its chilling atmosphere, as players experienced vulnerability and intimate terror. Ethan’s personal connection to the conflicts he faced made the horror all the more effective.

🪜 A Grounded Protagonist: A Hard Sell 🪜

Resident Evil 9 needs to strike a delicate balance. While a protagonist like Ethan Winters offers effective storytelling, grounding a new character may prove to be a tough sell. Unlike Ethan, who had a very specific background that justified his involvement in the series’ events, an average person wouldn’t have a compelling reason to embark on a zombie-killing adventure. After all, exploring dangerous biohazards and evil corporations isn’t exactly a common career choice for the majority of us!

💡 Silent Hill succeeded with average protagonists because its horror was primarily psychological. However, Resident Evil often features large-scale conflicts that go beyond the capabilities of a single person. So, it’s essential to find a way to justify the involvement of a relatable everyman in the next installment.

🔩 The Needle Must Be Threaded: The Power of the Everyman 🔩

While it might be tempting to rely on the established legacy heroes of Resident Evil to lead the way, Capcom shouldn’t overlook the strengths of an everyman protagonist. Ethan Winters breathed new life into the series, offering a tale that was personal, emotionally resonant, and utterly terrifying. The battles against larger-than-life villains pale in comparison to the psychological horror of Ethan being attacked by his infected wife or fearing for the safety of his child. The relatability and vulnerability Ethan brought to the table must be recaptured in Resident Evil 9.

⚠️ Although Resident Evil Village leaned more towards action-packed moments, it appears that the franchise is shifting towards psychological horror in its mainline titles. This transition raises the question of how Resident Evil 9 can merge the series’ two identities—action and horror—and present a vulnerable and personal side of a character who logically fits into the narrative.

📣 So, dear Resident Evil fans, what do you think? Should Capcom introduce a new character as the protagonist of Resident Evil 9, or should they stick with a familiar face? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below, and let’s discuss the terrifying possibilities that lie ahead! 💀

🔍 References:18 Powerful Bosses in Resident Evil Games – Get ready for some truly epic boss battles in the Resident Evil franchise!

đź“ŁReader Q&A

🤔 Q: Are there any hints about the storyline or setting of Resident Evil 9? A: As of now, details about the storyline and setting of Resident Evil 9 are scarce. Capcom has kept things tightly under wraps, leaving fans eagerly waiting for any hints or updates. However, based on the shift towards psychological horror in recent games, we can expect Resident Evil 9 to explore darker and more unsettling themes.

🤔 Q: Will there be any tie-ins or references to previous Resident Evil games in Resident Evil 9? A: While there’s no official information about specific tie-ins or references, it wouldn’t be surprising if Resident Evil 9 includes nods to previous games in the franchise. Capcom has a knack for rewarding loyal fans with clever Easter eggs and connections to the series’ rich lore. So, keep your eyes peeled for hidden gems that might bring back nostalgic memories!

🤔 Q: When can we expect Resident Evil 9 to be released? A: The release date for Resident Evil 9 has not been announced yet. As with any highly anticipated game, development takes time, and Capcom wants to ensure a polished and thrilling experience for players. So, while we don’t have a definite answer, let’s buckle up and prepare for a bone-chilling journey—it’ll be worth the wait!

🤔 Q: Will there be a demo or early access for Resident Evil 9? A: Capcom has a history of releasing demos and offering early access to their games. While no specifics have been shared regarding Resident Evil 9, we can hope that Capcom will provide us with a taste of the horrors to come before the game’s official release. Keep an eye on official announcements and the Resident Evil community for any exciting news!

🌟Did you enjoy this chilling discussion? Share it with your friends and let’s unravel the mysteries of Resident Evil 9 together! 🌟