Best Builds and Gameplay Guide for Dead By Daylight

Failed Government Experiment or Alien Monster? Here's What You Need to Know About Playing The Unknown.

The Unknown: Unleash Chaos in Dead by Daylight

The Unknown charges up its UVX Power through a tentacle.

In the asymmetrical horror game Dead by Daylight, you can now embody The Unknown, a mysterious and terrifying Killer that has entered the realm of the all-powerful Entity. Whether it’s a failed government experiment or an extraterrestrial entity, The Unknown’s origins remain shrouded in mystery. If you’re curious about this creepy Killer and want to terrorize Survivors, here’s everything you need to know.

How Does The Unknown’s Power Work?

Every Killer in Dead by Daylight possesses a unique Power, and The Unknown is no exception. Its Power, known as UVX (Unknown Venom X), is a force to be reckoned with. It allows The Unknown to launch projectiles and quickly traverse the map.

Special Ability: UVX Projectile

By charging up the UVX Power and pressing the attack button, The Unknown can unleash a bouncing UVX Projectile. This projectile creates a Blast Area upon impact, hindering any Survivors it touches while airborne. Survivors touching the Blast Area become Weakened, and if they touch it again, they lose a health state. However, Survivors can remove the Weakened status effect by staring at The Unknown.

Special Ability: Hallucinations

The Unknown can also create Hallucinations intermittently. These decoy versions of The Unknown stand idle around the map. The Unknown can teleport to these Hallucinations, leaving behind temporary decoys. Survivors can remove the Hallucinations by completing the Dispel interaction. If they fail to do so, they become Weakened and are revealed by the Killer Instinct.

Tips For Playing The Unknown

The Unknown is a uniquely unsettling Killer that, when played to its full potential, can easily sacrifice all Survivors in a match. Here are some tips to help you make the most of The Unknown’s Power:

  1. Fake out Survivors: Charge up your UVX without intending to use it, then go in for an attack. This unexpected move can catch Survivors off guard.

  2. Master the UVX Projectile: Pallets are great spots to aim your UVX Projectile, especially when Survivors are trying to loop you around them. Use the bouncing effect to hit Survivors whose line-of-sight is blocked.

  3. Utilize Bounce Mechanics: You can bounce your UVX Projectile off objects. With quick geometry skills, you can catch Survivors off guard by timing the bounce right.

  4. Strategic Hallucination Placement: Position yourself strategically when about to spawn a Hallucination. Move away from existing Hallucinations to cover more ground with teleport options.

The Unknown’s Unique Perks

The three Unique Perk icons for the Unknown Killer.

The Unknown comes with three Unique Perks that add to the pool of Killer perks you can use. These perks enhance your ability to chase Survivors and slow down Generator repairs:

  • Unbound: Gain a Haste status effect after vaulting a window.
  • Undone: Regress and block Generators based on tokens earned from failed Skill Checks.
  • Unforeseen: Transfer your Terror Radius to damaged Generators and gain the Undetectable status effect.

Best Builds And Perk Combos For The Unknown

The Unknown looks at the Hallucinations it can teleport to on the map.

As you level up and progress through the Bloodweb, you’ll unlock different perks for The Unknown. Mix and match these perks to create strong builds synergizing with The Unknown’s Unique Perks. Consider adding the following Killer perks to your loadout:

  • Barbecue and Chili: Reveals the auras of Survivors far away after hooking one.
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance: Causes Generators to regress when a Survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook.
  • Sloppy Butcher: Inflicts Hemorrhage and Mangled status effects on injured Survivors.

To unlock the Adept Unknown achievement, which requires killing all four Survivors in a Trial using only The Unknown’s Unique Perks, you’ll need to master these abilities. Keep experimenting with different perk combinations and find what works best for your playstyle.

Unbound Perk Combos

The perk icon for The Unknown’s Unbound.

Use Unbound to catch up to Survivors attempting to loop you through vaults. Combine it with information-gathering perks for optimal results:

  • Hysteria: Causes all injured Survivors to suffer from the Oblivious status effect.
  • I’m All Ears: Reveals the aura of Survivors rushing a vault.
  • Spies from the Shadows: Provides noise notifications near crows startled by Survivors.

Undone Perk Combos

The perk icon for the Unknown’s Undone.

Maximize the potential of Undone by pairing it with perks that either help you stack tokens or utilize the regression and blocking effects:

  • Coulrophobia: Reduces healing speed and increases the difficulty of healing Skill Checks.
  • Overcharge: Makes repairing difficult by triggering difficult Skill Checks and regressing Generator progression.
  • Surveillance: Highlights regressing Generators and increases your audible range.
  • Thrilling Tremors: Blocks all Generators not being repaired and reveals blocked Generator auras.

Unforeseen Perk Combos

The perk icon for The Unknown’s Unforeseen.

With Unforeseen, you can confuse Survivors by locking your Terror Radius to a Generator. Complement this perk with others that affect your Terror Radius:

  • Tinkerer: Provides the Undetectable status effect when a Generator reaches 70% repaired.
  • Unnerving Presence: Increases Skill Check difficulty for Survivors in your Terror Radius.

Note: All perk names have been bolded for easy reference in-game.


The Unknown brings a new level of terror to Dead by Daylight. With its UVX Power, unpredictable Hallucinations, and Unique Perks, The Unknown is sure to challenge Survivors and deliver thrilling gameplay. Experiment with different strategies, perk combinations, and add-ons to become an unstoppable force in the realm of the Entity.

Do you have any questions about The Unknown? Let’s address some common concerns.

Q: What are some other unique Killers in Dead by Daylight? A: Dead by Daylight features a variety of unique Killers, such as The Hillbilly, The Nurse, and The Huntress. Each Killer has their own distinct abilities and playstyle.

Q: Can Survivors counter The Unknown’s UVX Power? A: While Survivors can remove the Weakened status effect by staring at The Unknown, the UVX Projectile and Hallucinations can still catch them off guard. Survivor gameplay revolves around smart and agile decision-making to avoid the Killer’s attacks.

Q: Are there any tips for playing as a Survivor against The Unknown? A: When facing The Unknown, be aware of UVX Projectiles and the potential presence of Hallucinations. Pay attention to your surroundings, utilize pallets and windows strategically, and coordinate with your team for efficient generator repairs and escapes.

Q: Are there any upcoming updates or changes for The Unknown? A: For information on upcoming updates and changes, keep an eye on Dead by Daylight’s official website and forums. The game developers regularly release new content, balance changes, and improvements to enhance the overall gameplay experience.

Now, go forth and unleash chaos as The Unknown in Dead by Daylight! Share your thrilling gameplay moments and terrorize the Survivor community. 🎮😈

Reference List:Dead by Daylight Official WebsiteDead by Daylight WikiDead by Daylight Reddit