Unicorn Overlord: Idealist’s Handmirror Farm Guide

Fans can learn how to obtain unlimited Idealist Handmirrors to modify the appearance and evolution of their Unicorn Overlord characters.

How to Obtain Infinite Idealist’s Handmirrors

unicorn overlord idealists handmirror

Idealist’s Handmirrors are the holy grail of consumable items in Unicorn Overlord. These precious items serve two essential purposes: altering a character’s appearance and changing their Growth Type. As you can imagine, having a stockpile of Idealist’s Handmirrors is a must for players who strive for perfection. Luckily, there is a hidden gem in Unicorn Overlord that provides an unlimited source of these coveted mirrors, and we’re here to unveil its location.

Finding the Unlimited Supply

To access this haven of Idealist’s Handmirrors, players need to head to the Walled City of Peyston in the southwest region of Albion. Take a peek at the map above for the exact location. But before you embark on your journey, you’ll need to complete the main quests in Bastorias to gain access to Albion. Be prepared, though, as the enemies awaiting you there are Level 30 and above—it’s not a walk in the park.

Once you reach the walled city, you’ll need to undertake The Battle for Peyston, a liberation quest packed with Level 34 Feathershields and Featherbows. Fear not! These foes are no match for you, especially if you’ve assembled one of the top mid-game team comps in Unicorn Overlord, as recommended in our handy guide here.

Meeting Your Angelic Supplier

With your enemies vanquished and the liberation quest victoriously completed, an angel will appear against Peyston’s southern wall. This angel happens to have an endless supply of Idealist’s Handmirrors, which you can purchase at a reasonable rate—30 honors per mirror. Talk about a heavenly deal!

unicorn overlord idealists handmirror

Farming Honors, The Secret Ingredient

If you find yourself short on honors in Unicorn Overlord, fret not! We’ve got a secret spot for you to farm this valuable currency. Make your way from Peyston to Albison’s west coast, and you’ll stumble upon Sigil’s Trial Expert 2. This auxiliary stage is a hotbed for earning honors, granting you approximately 20 honors with each completion. The best part? You can conquer Sigil’s Trial Expert 2 in less than two minutes with this unbeatable strategy:

  1. Assemble a formidable unit led by a Gryphon Knight or Gryphon Master.
  2. Deploy your unit and unleash the power of the Hastened Call Valor Skill in Unicorn Overlord.
  3. Soar towards the enemy command post, deftly avoiding any adversaries in your path, and conquer it.

Not only will this strategy bolster your honor count, but it’s also an excellent technique for farming War Funds and Renown, both of which are rewarded upon completing Sigil’s Trial Expert 2. Moreover, each victory grants you seven Master Military Treaties, invaluable EXP items to expedite the leveling process of your Unicorn Overlord characters, especially those below Level 40.

Additional Q&A

Q: Are Idealist’s Handmirrors only used for cosmetic purposes? A: No, besides changing a character’s appearance, Idealist’s Handmirrors can also alter their Growth Type, which affects their stats and skills. It’s a game-changer!

Q: Can I use Idealist’s Handmirrors on any character? A: Unfortunately, not all characters are compatible with Idealist’s Handmirrors. Only certain characters have the option to change their appearance and Growth Type.

Q: Are there any other methods to farm honors in Unicorn Overlord? A: Absolutely! Exploring higher difficulty stages, participating in events, and battling in the arena are also great ways to earn honors. Keep an eye out for limited-time events too!

Q: Are there any risks involved in Sigil’s Trial Expert 2? A: While Sigil’s Trial Expert 2 is relatively easy to conquer, it is still advisable to ensure your unit is adequately leveled and equipped to minimize any potential risks.

Q: Can I sell unused Idealist’s Handmirrors for additional honors? A: Unfortunately, Idealist’s Handmirrors cannot be sold for honors. It’s best to use them wisely and make the most of their transformative powers!

Reference List:

🔥🔥🔥 You’ve now unlocked the hidden source of Infinite Idealist’s Handmirrors in Unicorn Overlord! Spread the word to your fellow players, and let them know about this game-changing discovery. And remember, always keep an eye out for new updates and events. Happy mirror hunting, legends! 🦄💫

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