Lightyear Frontier: Farming Meets Mech in an Alien World

I have played many farming simulations in my life, but I have never taken care of alien crops and gathered resources from the cockpit of a mech. Thanks to Lightyear Frontier, I'm finally experiencing it.

Hands on Lightyear Frontier review-in-progress The mech brings a unique and refreshing twist to the farming simulator genre.

šŸ“… Release Date: March 19, 2024 (Early Access)
šŸŽ® Platform(s): PC, Xbox Series X/S
šŸ•¹ļø Developer: Frame Break
šŸ“¢ Publisher: Amplifier Studios

Iā€™ve played a lot of farming sims in my time, but never have I tended to alien crops and gathered resources behind the windshield of a mech. Thanks to Lightyear Frontier, thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m doing. And let me tell you, itā€™s one of the most novel and downright fun ways to farm that Iā€™ve encountered.

With a handful of different tools that can be attached to my right arm, I can easily switch between each one to perform different tasks. The Vacuum Harvester lets me suck up all the fully grown plants in my plots of land, while the Seed Shooter allows me to fire out seeds in the now vacant sections of soil. Thereā€™s even an Irrigation Hose that acts as a watering can, a Spike Saw for breaking down trees and rocks, and a Sprout Cannon for planting saplings. These tools, combined with the impressive capabilities of the mech, make farming feel less laborious and more exciting.

But itā€™s not just the farming gameplay that makes Lightyear Frontier enjoyable. The game takes place on an inviting and peaceful planet, free from combat or threatening presences. Itā€™s the kind of place where you want to get lost, with its verdant fields, vibrant trees and plants, unusual wildlife, and starry skies adorned with neighboring planets. Whether you want to explore solo or gather a group of friends, Lightyear Frontier offers plenty of discovery and activities in its alien world.

However, as much as I have been loving my time in the mech and uncovering the potential of Lightyear Frontier, I do believe it could benefit from a touch more refinement. Certain smaller features were absent during my gameplay, and a bit more in-game guidance could make the experience truly shine.

Now, letā€™s dive into the key aspects of Lightyear Frontier!

Restoration: Putting Your Mech Back Together

After a rocky landing, the beginning of Lightyear Frontier requires you to put your mech back together. Using your trusty pickaxe tool, you reattach its arm and front engine. Once upright, you can hop in and set out to collect the scattered tools around the landscape. Each tool is marked by a yellow flare of smoke, making them visible from a distance. With all the tools at your disposal, which can be easily swapped on a dial wheel menu, you can start completing tutorial objectives, such as building a basic homestead and planting your first seeds.

While the initial objectives provide a good introduction to the game, the early guidance could be a little clearer. For instance, it took me some time to realize that thereā€™s another tool you can use when youā€™re outside of the mech. This tool allows you to paint objects, adding an extra layer of creativity to your farming endeavors. Overall, the mechanics are straightforward, but a bit more explanation would have been appreciated.

Progression and Discovery

One of the elements of Lightyear Frontier that I thoroughly enjoyed was the sense of progression it offers. As you gather resources like minerals and wood, and grow new plants by finding seeds, you unlock more blueprints for various structures. These blueprints range from decorative items that increase the coziness level of your homestead to crafting stations for creating advanced items needed for more complex blueprints.

Your mech also has various upgrades available, allowing you to access more resources in the world. Similar to games like Stardew Valley, you need to improve your tools to break down stronger minerals and trees. However, the game could provide more guidance in terms of unlocking recipes and resources. At times, I was able to see resources I needed before I could actually make them, which caused some confusion. Nevertheless, the progression system is satisfying and keeps you invested as you restore different areas on the map.

Teamwork: Gather Together, Share the Load

One minor inconvenience I encountered in Lightyear Frontier, especially when playing solo, was the issue of becoming over-encumbered. Many upgrades, constructs, and decorations require a considerable amount of resources, while the space in your mech is initially limited. Fortunately, you can build storage spaces to alleviate the burden, and thereā€™s an upgrade that allows you to carry more. Additionally, being in a mech means you donā€™t have to worry about stamina, which is a common hindrance in farming adventures.

When it comes to building in the world, Lightyear Frontier makes it a breeze. Its snap system automatically adjusts an objectā€™s position when itā€™s placed near another object. However, one downside is that you canā€™t adjust or tweak the position of an object once itā€™s placed. Moving a decoration, for example, requires recycling and rebuilding it. Hopefully, this feature will be added in the future.

Playing co-op in Lightyear Frontier is an efficient way to progress through the earlier stages of the game. In a multiplayer setting, each player has their own mech and collects their tools. Together, you can work toward building up your homesteads. While the co-op experience is satisfying, communication features within the game are limited at the moment, making it more difficult to coordinate with other players.


Q: Is Lightyear Frontier available on consoles other than Xbox Series X/S and PC?
A: Currently, Lightyear Frontier is only available on Xbox Series X/S and PC. Thereā€™s no confirmed information about releases on other platforms yet.

Q: Can I play Lightyear Frontier in single-player mode?
A: Absolutely! Lightyear Frontier can be played solo, allowing you to explore and farm at your own pace. However, playing with friends can make the game even more enjoyable.

Q: Can I customize my mech and homestead in Lightyear Frontier?
A: Yes, you can! Lightyear Frontier offers various blueprints for decorative items and allows you to construct different buildings on your homestead. You can create a personalized and cozy space that reflects your style.

Q: Are there any combat elements in Lightyear Frontier?
A: No, combat is not a part of Lightyear Frontier. The game focuses on the peaceful exploration and farming aspects, providing a relaxing and immersive experience.


Despite a few areas that could use improvement, Lightyear Frontierā€™s Early Access version already has a lot to offer. As a longtime fan of farming games, I found the fusion of farming and mechs to be a refreshing take on the genre. The satisfying sense of progression, the peaceful world, and the joy of discovery kept me engrossed in the game. Each time I planned to do ā€œjust one more dayā€ in-game, I ended up playing much longer. Thereā€™s no doubt that Lightyear Frontier has great potential, and Iā€™m excited to witness its growth in the future.

Disclaimer: Lightyear Frontier was reviewed in Early Access on Xbox Series S, with a code provided by the publisher.

šŸ”— Reference List: – Stardew Valley – Official Website

šŸŽ„ Videos: – Lightyear Frontier Gameplay Trailer

šŸ“· Images: – Image 1 – Image credit: Amplifier Studios – Image 2 – Image credit: Amplifier Studios – Image 3 – Image credit: Amplifier Studios – Image 4 – Image credit: Amplifier Studios

Donā€™t keep this exciting adventure to yourself, share your farming experiences in the alien world of Lightyear Frontier! Let your friends know about this unique farming simulator that combines mechs, exploration, and relaxing gameplay. Who wouldnā€™t want to live their farming dreams while piloting a giant robot? šŸš€šŸŒ¾