Get Ready for Epic Battles in One Piece 2024

These One Piece fights are scheduled for 2024.

One Piece 6 Potential 2024 Showdowns

King of Hell Zoro Vs Lucci One Piece

One Piece fans, buckle up! After the incredible success of 2023, get ready for an action-packed 2024 in the world of pirates. With the Egghead Island arc reaching its climax and the anticipation of the Elbaf arc, we are in for an exhilarating ride filled with epic battles and jaw-dropping moments.

Zoro Vs Lucci: The Battle We’ve Been Waiting For

The highly-anticipated showdown between Zoro and Lucci is finally here! As the Marines clash with the Straw Hat Pirates, Zoro finds himself engaged in combat with the formidable CP0 agent. While their initial skirmishes in 2023 were brief, 2024 promises a fully fleshed-out battle that fans have been yearning for. Will Zoro emerge victorious and send Lucci packing? Only time will tell.

Dragon Vs Saint Garling Figarland: The War Begins

The Revolutionaries and the World Government are on a collision course. Led by the enigmatic Dragon, the Revolutionaries have declared war on the World Government. In response, the Holy Knights, commanded by Saint Garling Figarland, are preparing to strike back. The clash between Dragon and Saint Garling Figarland may well be one of the major battles of 2024. Brace yourselves for an epic showdown that will rock the One Piece world!

Sanji Vs Kizaru: Will the Stealth Black Prevail?

Sanji fights Kizaru

A battle between Sanji and Kizaru may be on the horizon! With Luffy having already defeated Kizaru once, it is clear that the admiral is down for now. However, he is far from out of the picture. As Luffy prepares for his eagerly awaited clash with Saturn, someone needs to confront Kizaru. Will Sanji step up to the challenge? Despite Kizaru’s overwhelming power, Sanji may have an advantage due to the admiral’s weakened state. Get ready for an electrifying battle that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

Luffy Vs Saturn: The Ultimate Showdown

Saturn vs sanji one piece 1095

As the Egghead Island arc reaches its climax, Luffy’s battle with Saturn, one of the Five Elders, is imminent. With the responsibility to protect his crew and those in need, Luffy will rise to the occasion. Brace yourself for a full-blown battle with one of the most powerful figures in the world of One Piece. Fans are eagerly awaiting this epic clash, which is set to be the highlight of the arc.

Blackbeard Vs Shanks: A Rivalry for the Ages

Blackbeard and Shanks from One Piece

A battle between two Yonko is inevitably on the horizon. The rivalry between Blackbeard and Shanks has been building up for a long time, and it is only a matter of time before they clash. Recent events suggest that Shanks is hot on Blackbeard’s trail. Will their fated encounter occur in 2024? Fans are eagerly awaiting this monumental battle that will showcase the full power of these legendary pirates.

Shanks Vs Luffy: A Clash on Elbaf

Featured Closest To Laugh Tale Shanks Luffy

The Straw Hat Pirates are destined to make their way to Elbaf after the conclusion of the Egghead Island arc. And with Elbaf under the protection of Shanks, a showdown between Luffy and his ultimate role model is a real possibility in 2024. This long-awaited fight, teased since the very beginning of the series during the Romance Dawn arc, will undoubtedly be a momentous event that will redefine the world of One Piece.

👉 MORE: One Piece: Strongest Conqueror’s Haki Users, Ranked

Q&A – Your Burning Questions Answered!

Q: Besides the battles mentioned, are there any other major events to look forward to in One Piece 2024?

A: Absolutely! In addition to the jaw-dropping battles, there are other thrilling events fans can expect in 2024. The war between the Revolutionary Army and the World Government, the revelation of ancient treasures, and the exploration of new islands are just a few examples. Get ready for an action-packed year!

Q: Will there be any major character developments or power-ups in these battles?

A: Definitely! One Piece has always delivered compelling character growth and awe-inspiring power-ups. Expect new techniques, hidden abilities, and surprising transformations from your favorite characters. Brace yourself for mind-blowing moments that will leave you cheering for more!

Q: Will there be any unexpected alliances formed during these battles?

A: One Piece is known for its unpredictable twists and turns. It wouldn’t be surprising to see unexpected alliances formed, where former enemies join forces to face a common threat. Who knows? Friends and foes may unite against a greater enemy, adding more excitement and complexity to the story.

🔥 Don’t miss out on the epic battles that await in One Piece 2024! Share this article with your fellow fans and get ready for an unforgettable year in the world of pirates! 🔥


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