The Mighty Roger Pirates: Unraveling their Secrets

The Roger Pirates were the most formidable crew in One Piece, with a number of exceptional fighters among their ranks.

Ranking the Roger Pirates Discover All Members

Gol D. Roger

One Piece is a treasure trove of extraordinary pirate crews, but none compare to the legendary Roger Pirates. Led by the charismatic Gol D. Roger and his trusted companion Silvers Rayleigh, this crew achieved feats that no other has ever come close to. They not only completed a voyage around the world, but also discovered the fabled One Piece, making them the eternal enemies of the World Government. So, let’s set sail and dive into the lives of these remarkable pirates!

1. The Unparalleled Captain: Gol

D. Roger

Special Ability: Busoshoku Haki, Haoshoku Haki

Gol D. Roger, the captain of the Roger Pirates, was a force to be reckoned with. Despite his easygoing and childish demeanor, he was among the strongest pirates in the world. Roger’s power didn’t come from a Devil Fruit, but from his mastery of Haki. He could use all three types of Haki, particularly excelling in Haoshoku Haki. This made him a formidable opponent against the likes of Whitebeard, Garp, Shiki, and Rocks. Roger remains the only pirate captain to have conquered the treacherous Grand Line and uncovered the elusive One Piece.

2. The Indomitable Right-Hand: Silvers Rayleigh

Special Ability: Busoshoku Haki, Kenbunshoku Haki, Haoshoku Haki

Silvers Rayleigh, the first member recruited by Roger, became his right-hand man and trusted advisor. Unlike many others, Rayleigh didn’t possess a Devil Fruit power. Instead, he wielded the unparalleled strength of Haki. With his swordsmanship skills and mastery of all three types of Haki, he was a force of nature. Even at over 70 years old, Rayleigh could hold his own against formidable opponents like Admiral Kizaru. His reputation was so awe-inspiring that even the notorious Blackbeard thought twice about tangling with him. Truly, Rayleigh was the epitome of a pirate legend.

3. The Invincible Warrior: Kozuki Oden

Special Ability: Busoshoku Haki, Haoshoku Haki

Kozuki Oden began his pirate journey as a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, rising to the position of Second Division Commander. However, destiny beckoned him to join Gol D. Roger’s crew. Armed with his double-sword style and immense strength, even the fearsome Kaido fell short in matching Oden’s might. Together, Oden and Roger unlocked the secrets of Laugh Tale, delving deep into the uncharted history of the world. Oden’s ferocity and mastery of Haki made him an invaluable asset to the Roger Pirates and a true force to be reckoned with.

4. The Mysterious Axeman: Scopper Gaban

Special Ability: None

Scopper Gaban, a prominent member of the Roger Pirates, has managed to maintain an aura of enigma around himself. While not much is known about his past or his abilities, one thing is certain – Gaban was a formidable warrior. With his dual axes, he possessed a skill that struck fear into the hearts of his enemies. During the climactic clash with the rampaging Kozuki Oden, Gaban and Rayleigh were the first to step forward to quell the storm. It’s safe to say that Gaban ranked among the top four strongest members of the crew, alongside Roger, Rayleigh, and Oden.

5. The Lifesaver: Crocus

Special Ability: Medical Expertise, Kenbunshoku Haki

Crocus, the doctor of the Roger Pirates, played a vital role in the crew’s success. He was the guardian of Gol D. Roger’s life, utilizing his medical expertise to keep him alive. Very few knew that Roger was gravely ill, but Crocus worked tirelessly to prolong his captain’s life as much as possible. Widely regarded as the best doctor in the world by none other than Rayleigh himself, Crocus proved to be an essential member of the crew. While not known for his combat skills, he was no pushover either.


6. The Fearless Time Traveler: Kozuki Toki

Special Ability: Toki Toki no Mi

Kozuki Toki, along with her husband Oden, joined the Roger Pirates on their incredible journey. Fearless and strong-willed, Toki possessed the Toki Toki no Mi, a Devil Fruit power enabling her to travel to the future. She could also send others forward in time. However, once Toki traveled to a specific point in the future, she couldn’t return to the past. Although Toki didn’t engage in major battles, her presence brought an air of mystery and intrigue to the Roger Pirates.

7. The Devoted Apprentice: Shanks

Special Ability: None

Shanks, a young and enthusiastic apprentice, held a deep admiration for Gol D. Roger. He wholeheartedly carried out his captain’s wishes and accompanied him on numerous adventures. Though not yet a fearsome pirate himself, Shanks gained invaluable experience during his time with the Roger Pirates. Armed with his trusty sword, he showed no hesitation in the face of danger. When Roger was executed, Shanks was shattered, a testament to the profound love and respect he held for his captain.

Young Shanks and Buggy Fighting The Whitebeard Pirates

8. The Lovable Clown: Buggy

Special Ability: Bara Bara no Mi

Buggy, another member of the Roger Pirates, served as an apprentice alongside Shanks. While lacking in raw power, Buggy deeply idolized Roger. However, he differed in opinion with his captain regarding risky ventures. Buggy was averse to Roger endangering the lives of the entire crew. Despite these differences, Buggy maintained a fondness for his captain and was devastated by Roger’s execution. After the disbandment of the Roger Pirates, Buggy went on to establish his own infamous pirate crew, garnering notoriety for himself.

With their unique abilities and unwavering dedication, the Roger Pirates etched their names into history as the greatest crew to have sailed the seas. Each member played a crucial role in the crew’s success, and their individual stories are intertwined with the grand narrative of One Piece. As we sail further into the unknown, the legends of these mighty pirates inspire us to uncover the truth and seek our own treasure.

Q&A: Here are some burning questions you may have about the Roger Pirates:

  1. Did the Roger Pirates ever face the Navy in a battle? While the Roger Pirates had their fair share of encounters with the Navy, their infamous confrontation came during Gol D. Roger’s execution. Facing off against the might of the Marines, Roger bravely met his end, leaving behind a legacy that would shape the world forever.

  2. What was the significance of Laugh Tale in the journey of the Roger Pirates? Laugh Tale, formerly known as Raftel, was the ultimate destination for the Roger Pirates. It was a mythical island where the One Piece, the greatest treasure in the world, was said to be hidden. The discovery of Laugh Tale solidified the Roger Pirates’ position as the true masters of the Grand Line.

  3. How did the Roger Pirates become enemies of the World Government? The Roger Pirates were a threat to the World Government because they possessed knowledge of ancient secrets and the true history of the world. Revealing this information would undermine the authority and control of the Government, making the Roger Pirates their most wanted targets.

  4. Was there any infighting or rivalry within the Roger Pirates? While disagreements and differing opinions are natural in any crew, the Roger Pirates were bound together by their loyalty and respect for Gol D. Roger. Each member played a crucial role in their journey, and the strength of their bonds ultimately led to their historic achievements.

  5. What happened to the Roger Pirates after their disbandment? After disbanding, several members went on to forge their own paths. Buggy, as mentioned earlier, formed his own notorious pirate crew. Shanks, on the other hand, established the Red Hair Pirates, becoming infamous in his own right. Each member carried the legacy of the Roger Pirates into the future, leaving an everlasting mark on the world of pirates.


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  8. – Scopper Gaban Smiling

Have you always been fascinated by the Roger Pirates? What other questions do you have about this legendary crew? Share your thoughts and embark on a discussion below! And don’t forget to share this article with your fellow One Piece enthusiasts! ⚓😄🏴‍☠️