Cyberpunk 2077: The Phantom Liberty Ending – A Gut Punch or a Happy Conclusion?

Opinion | Which Ending of Cyberpunk 2077 Resonates with Me the Most The Impact of Finalizing Phantom Liberty

Phantom Liberty’ didn’t sway my choice for the top Cyberpunk 2077 ending.

🎮 Are you ready to dive into the world of Cyberpunk 2077 and experience new endings? The Phantom Liberty expansion promises a new conclusion for your protagonist, V. But be warned, the choices you make may leave you feeling like you’ve been punched in the gut over and over again. In this article, we’ll explore the emotional rollercoaster that is the Phantom Liberty ending, discuss the value of companionship in Night City, and determine whether it’s truly the best ending for V.

Stranger in the Crowd 💥

🖼️ Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty (Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

💭 As I embarked on my journey in Cyberpunk 2077’s Phantom Liberty expansion, little did I know that a quiet life could be so devastating. In a city where subterfuge prevails and trust is in short supply, every decision I made felt morally grey. The promise of a cure for V’s life-threatening engram seemed too good to pass up, but at what cost? After bidding farewell to Johnny Silverhand and undergoing surgery, V wakes up two years later in a hospital bed, devoid of implants and the mercenary lifestyle. The familiar Night City V once knew is now a distant memory. The loneliness and heartbreak of this ending truly struck a chord with me.

Q&A: What does a happy ending really look like for V?

🤔 Are you wondering what a happy ending could mean for V? While the Phantom Liberty ending may be bittersweet, it offers a glimpse into the possibility of a quieter life. But is it truly a happy ending? Let’s find out in the next section.

Good Night and Good Luck 🌆

🖼️ Cyberpunk 2077 (Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

🚇 Making the Metro: Before we delve deeper, let’s take a moment to appreciate the incredible metro system in Cyberpunk 2077. 🎥 Check out this behind-the-scenes video: The making of Cyberpunk 2077’s metro system: “From day one, we considered the NCART to be a roleplaying feature first and foremost”

💑 For me, the key to a happy ending in Night City is companionship. In a lonely and dangerous world, having people you can rely on becomes paramount. The Aldecaldos, the nomad group led by Panam, offered a sense of family and belonging that resonated with me. The questlines involving the nomads were some of my favorites in Cyberpunk 2077. Panam, Mitch, Carol, and the rest of the immediate group became V’s found family. They offered unwavering support and a place outside the city that felt like home. Turning to them at the end of my first playthrough felt like the natural choice.

🌅 An Open-Ended Conclusion: The Aldecaldos’ ending may not provide a cure for V, but it presents a hopeful and open conclusion. With the promise of a fresh start with your found family and Judy, there’s a glimmer of hope for a brighter future. As V and Panam bid farewell to the “city of false promises,” I felt optimistic about their journey ahead. Their path is not yet set, and they may find a sense of belonging far away from the city that chewed them up and spat them out. The promise of no longer being alone is truly a happy ending in my book. 🎉

⚠️ Warning: Spoilers Ahead – If you haven’t experienced the Phantom Liberty ending in Cyberpunk 2077 yet, proceed with caution.

📚 Reference List:

  1. Cyberpunk 2077
  2. The making of Cyberpunk 2077’s metro system
  3. Baldur’s Gate 3 convinced me to finally try out Larian’s last critically-acclaimed RPG

Wrapping Up and Engaging with You

🎊 So there you have it, the emotional journey that is the Phantom Liberty ending in Cyberpunk 2077. Whether it is the gut-punching quiet life or the hopeful path of companionship, each ending offers a unique perspective on what a happy conclusion means for V.

👥 Now, I’d love to hear from you! Have you experienced the Phantom Liberty ending? What are your thoughts on the different outcomes in Cyberpunk 2077? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below! And don’t forget to hit that share button if you enjoyed this article. Let’s spread the love for Cyberpunk 2077 on social media! 📲💙

Disclaimer: This article is a work of fiction and should be taken humorously. The opinions expressed within are for entertainment purposes only and do not reflect the views of any real individuals or entities.