Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Grandpa Guide

Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Grandpa Guide

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Unleash Grandpa’s Cannibal Chaos!


Asymmetrical horror just got a whole lot crazier in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, a 3v4 take on the genre that will leave you screaming for more. Based on the iconic 1974 film, this game brings back all your favorite characters, including the enigmatic Grandpa. Now, he may not be a playable character himself, but don’t underestimate his role in wreaking havoc on the Family’s victims.

Feed Grandpa to Level Him Up

Grandpa is a key ally for the Family, lurking in a single location throughout each match and guarding the entrance to the basement. However, this old cannibal starts off fast asleep. So, how do you wake him up? Well, there are a few ways to do it:

  • Make too much noise as a Victim, and Grandpa will be wide awake.
  • Try to escape the basement, and Grandpa won’t be a happy camper.
  • The Family members can feed Grandpa some blood, and trust me, he loves his snacks.

Once Grandpa is awake, it’s time to level him up by feeding him blood. You can collect blood from buckets around the map or by slicing up those poor, unfortunate Victims. Each Family member has their limit, so make sure to keep Grandpa well-fed. No one likes a hungry Grandpa!

Grandpa’s Sonar

Leveling up Grandpa is the key to tracking down those pesky Victims. When his Sonar ability is activated, Grandpa’s loud howl will reveal moving Victims. So as a Victim, keep an ear out for that eerie howl because a fully-leveled Grandpa means your doom is imminent!

Now, let’s break down Grandpa’s leveling abilities:

Grandpa Level Description
Level Zero – All matches start here.
– Grandpa is asleep until woken up for the first time.
Level One – Grandpa yells regularly, revealing noisy Victims with his Sonar ability.
– The first extra ability is active.
Level Two – Detection range increases, and Sonar activates at shorter intervals.
– Another extra ability is active.
Level Three – Detection range increases, and Sonar activates at shorter intervals.
– Another extra ability is active.
Level Four – Detection range increases, and Sonar activates at shorter intervals.
– Victims are even highlighted in shadows.
Level Five – Detection range covers the entire map, and Sonar activates frequently.
– Victims are highlighted even when still.

Grandpa’s Extra Abilities

Grandpa Abilities

The Family has even more tricks up their sleeves to exploit Grandpa’s potential. As you progress in the skill tree, you’ll unlock diamond-shaped Grandpa nodes. Each unlocked ability can be added to your loadout. These abilities become active as Grandpa levels up, making your cannibalistic adventures all the more entertaining.

Some of the best Grandpa abilities to consider are:

  • Excited Grandpa: Reduces the cooldown of Grandpa’s Sonar, making it easier to track down Victims and disrupt their plans.
  • Well Well Well: Victims that think they can escape a chase by jumping into a well will be in for a nasty surprise. This ability makes them regret their decision by dealing extra damage.
  • Don’t Have All Day: Reduced stamina drain while sprinting allows you to cover more ground, catch up to Victims, and get back to Grandpa faster. Time is of the essence, after all!

These abilities, like your character’s perks, will level up as you play, making them even more potent. Choose wisely, and adapt them to your playstyle. Here are a few more awesome abilities you can find on the skill tree:

Grandpa Ability Description
Always In Sync Increases Family Focus duration and reduces cooldown.
Animal Farm Increases Chicken detection radius.
Barge To The Point Opening doors becomes a breeze for Grandpa.
Well Fed Young’uns Instant stamina regen for all Family members whenever Grandpa’s Sonar is activated.
Windoom Victims take extra damage when they jump out of windows.
Suffocating Grip Makes escaping close encounters with Grandpa even more difficult for Victims.
Experienced Stalkers Decreased proximity warning range for Victims, giving them less time to react.
Nobody Escapes Hell The minigame for locked doors becomes a nightmare, taking Victims longer to break free.
Exterior Alarms Open critical doors and gates will be highlighted, making it harder for Victims to hide.
Swinging For The Fences Decreased stamina consumption for powerful melee attacks.

How Victims Can Counter Grandpa

Victims vs Grandpa

Sure, Grandpa may be a force to be reckoned with, but he’s not invincible. Victims have their own tricks up their sleeves to counter his cannibalistic chaos. To fight back against Grandpa, you’ll need a bone scrap. Once you’ve escaped from the basement, search for Grandpa in the central house or shack. Sneak up on him with a bone scrap, and you can temporarily immobilize him. This disables his Sonar ability and any active extra abilities, giving you a chance to make a break for it.

Alternatively, you can survive by being more sneaky and avoiding direct confrontations. Stay quiet, hide, and stick to the shadows to make it harder for the Family to collect blood from you. The slower Grandpa levels up, the better your chances of survival.

For Family members, it’s crucial to have someone close to Grandpa in case a Victim tries to take on the offensive. And for Victims, make the most of the time that Grandpa is immobilized. Run, make noise, and try to progress your escape plan while evading the other Family members.

Through blood, chaos, and bone scraps, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre delivers a unique and thrilling gaming experience. Are you ready to embrace your inner cannibal and unleash Grandpa’s terrifying skills upon unsuspecting Victims? Let the slaughter begin!

NEXT: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Ana Character Guide