Game Catch-up: Finding the Joys of Missed Games

What game will you catch up on this year?

It’s the enchanting period of the year for game catch-up!


Picture this: it’s the end of the year, work is finally finished, and you have a precious moment of free time. What do you do? For many gamers, this is the perfect chance to return to a game that passed them by during the year. It’s the Game Catch-up time of year!

One of my own fondest gaming memories was a couple of years ago, when I sat down in front of the TV, pulled the sofa close, and indulged in a game that I wasn’t reviewing or writing about. I let myself get lost in the world of Ubisoft’s Hyper Scape, a Battle Royale game that I had been eyeing all year.

Now, you might be wondering what drew me to this game in the first place. I’ve always been a fan of Battle Royale games, not necessarily for the shooting or competition, but for the freedom to explore and discover. It’s like being home from university and wandering around your hometown while your old friends are still away.

Hyper Scape was the perfect embodiment of this. Its expansive and stylish world, with its pseudo-white-box architecture, intrigued me. And, of course, it was backed by the mysterious Ubisoft Machine. Who were the masterminds behind this game? Was it originally intended to be a Battle Royale, or did it stem from the leftovers of some other mega project? The mysteries of Hyper Scape were as captivating as the game itself. I still wonder about the story behind that incredibly detailed Gothic cathedral I stumbled upon in one part of the map. Was it created specifically for Hyper Scape? I crave answers!

After that brilliant afternoon of aimless pootling in Hyper Scape, I realized that this kind of gaming experience is something that happens every year. It’s not something you plan; it’s something you feel in your bones. As work wraps up and the year draws to a close, there’s a unique opportunity to reconnect with a game that slipped through your fingers. That one game that deserves its moment in the spotlight. So, embrace it! It’s time for your Game Catch-up!

Why Game Catch-up Matters

Game Catch-up is not just about revisiting missed games for the sake of checking them off a list. It’s about finding joy in the unexpected and creating lasting memories. It’s like stumbling upon that one hidden gem in a busy marketplace. You may have missed it before, but now you have the chance to immerse yourself fully.

For me, this year’s Game Catch-up game is GlagStone, specifically designed for the Playdate device. Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of it; it’s a bit of a hidden treasure. GlagStone is a unique town builder game with a mysterious twist. Set in a place where something strange has happened, it promises to captivate players with its black-and-white screen and charming storyline. I can practically feel the anticipation building as my Playdate charges up. The crisp winter air seems to carry the promise of endless gaming adventures.

Now, it’s time for you to answer the burning question: What’s your Game Catch-up game this year? Do you have that one special game that begs for your undivided attention? In a way, this experience reminds me of the iconic Christmas song, “Christmas Wrapping” by the Waitresses. The lyrics go, “Hey, it’s that guy I’ve been chasing all year…” Finally, in the quiet weeks at the end of the year, we get a chance to catch up on something special. So, don’t let this opportunity slip away!

Q&A: Game Catch-up Edition

Q: What if I don’t have any missed games?
A: Don’t worry! Game Catch-up is not limited to games you missed. It’s about carving out focused time to fully immerse yourself in a game that deserves your undivided attention. It could be a game you’ve been meaning to replay or a title with new updates that you haven’t had a chance to explore yet.

Q: How do I choose the perfect Game Catch-up game?
A: Choosing the perfect game is a personal journey. Consider what genres excite you the most, the games that have caught your eye throughout the year, and the experiences you want to create. Sometimes, experimenting with new genres or styles can lead to unexpected delights.

Q: Is Game Catch-up only for single-player games?
A: Not at all! Game Catch-up can apply to both single-player and multiplayer games. If you have a group of friends who are also looking to catch up, multiplayer games can be an excellent choice. Rediscover the joy of cooperative gameplay or engage in friendly competition.

Q: Should I limit myself to one Game Catch-up game?
A: While the idea behind Game Catch-up is to dedicate focused time to one game, there are no hard and fast rules. If you have the capacity and desire to explore multiple games, go for it! The goal is to create memorable experiences, and if that means hopping from one game to another, embrace the freedom to do so.


The Game Catch-up phenomenon is a beautiful time of year for gamers—a chance to reconnect with the games that slipped through our fingers amidst the chaos of daily life. So, take a moment to reflect and choose that one special game deserving of your undivided attention. Let your imagination run wild and embrace the joy of rediscovery. Whether it’s a forgotten gem or the latest release you’ve been itching to try, let this be a time of endless gaming adventures.


  1. Hyper Scape Trailer
  2. GlagStone, for the Playdate
  3. Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses

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Note: This article is a creative rewrite based on the original content provided by the user.