Accessing Starfield ship storage and inventory

Accessing Starfield ship storage and inventory

Ship Storage and Inventory in Starfield: Your Gateway to a Clutter-Free Adventure!


Ah, the joys of interstellar travel in Starfield! The only downside? Dealing with the dreaded encumbrance mechanics. But fear not! We’ve got your back with a simple solution: ship storage and inventory! Get ready to say goodbye to the burden of carrying items yourself.

How to Store Items on Your Ship

To access your ship’s storage and cargo hold in Starfield, all you need to do is head inside and make your way to the cockpit. Notice the screen on the right-hand wall? That’s your ticket to inventory nirvana! It allows you to stash items or retrieve them whenever needed.


Whether you want to store resources, guns, or that sparkly unicorn you found on planet Zog, there’s no limit to what you can put in the ship’s storage. However, remember that each ship has a limited cargo space, so choose wisely when deciding what to hoard.

Oh, and don’t forget to explore other storage options onboard! Apart from the cargo hold, you might stumble upon a Captain’s Locker and other nifty containers, depending on your ship’s layout. They may not be as spacious as the cargo hold, but hey, every little bit of storage helps in a pinch!

And if you’re feeling adventurous (or just lazy), you can always leave your items strewn across the ship’s floor. Starfield will dutifully remember where you left them, so they won’t disappear when you’re not looking. Just be prepared to navigate a mini obstacle course whenever you need something!

How to Expand Your Ship’s Storage Space


But wait, there’s more! Do you find yourself yearning for even more storage space? Well, my friend, it’s customization time! To expand your ship’s inventory, you can purchase additional Cargo Holds and attach them to your vessel.

Now, here’s the exciting part: each Cargo Hold boosts your inventory capacity by a certain amount. It’s like opening up a treasure chest of possibilities! Whether you choose to stockpile more medkits or dive into the thrilling world of contraband smuggling with Shielded Cargo Holds, the choice is yours.

So, fellow spacefarer, go forth and conquer Starfield with a clutter-free ship! Your storage and inventory management skills will be the envy of the galaxy.

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