Starfield’s top ships and starship builds

Starfield's top ships and starship builds

The Best Ships in Starfield: A Galactic Guide

Bethesda Starfield Ships Image credit: Bethesda

Ahoy, fellow spacefarers! Have you ever dreamed of commanding the greatest ships in the vast expanse of Starfield? Well, look no further! We’ve curated a selection of the most incredible starships the galaxy has to offer. Get ready to embark on epic adventures and become the envy of all space travelers. But remember, the definition of the “best ship” varies depending on your needs. So, without further ado, let’s delve into the thrilling world of Starfield ship exploration!

All the Best Ships in Starfield

  1. Ecliptic Bayonet: Built for speed and boarding enemy ships.
  2. Razorleaf: A combat-ready vessel with impressive speed and smuggling capabilities.
  3. Va’ruun Litany: Excels in shield damage, grav jumps, and cargo space.
  4. Star Eagle: A formidable ship designed for combat, defense, and boarding enemy vessels.
  5. The First Pterosaur: A sleek and powerful combat ship, perfect for all forms of space warfare.
  6. New Game Plus ship (Spoiler): An extraordinary ship exclusively available in New Game Plus mode. It’s a surprise, but trust us, it’s worth it!

These splendid ships serve as a baseline for your own customizations. Whether you’re a pirate, a trader, or a fearless adventurer, these vessels can be tailored to suit your unique style. Each ship possesses its own advantages and quirks, creating endless possibilities for cosmic exploration.

But hold your hyperspace jumps! Some of these ships may require a touch of illicit activity, so make sure you’ve brushed up on our guide on how to steal ships in Starfield. Worry not, though, it’s all part of the thrilling spacefaring experience!

The Unmatched Ecliptic Bayonet

Ecliptic Bayonet Image credit: Bethesda

Built for: Speed and boarding enemy ships.

How to get: Steal it from enemy Ecliptic attacks.

The Ecliptic Bayonet is the perfect choice for aspiring space pirates. With an arsenal of missiles and energy weapons, it’s designed to disable enemy ships and leave them at your mercy. Make sure to learn how to dock and board ships so you can take full advantage of its piracy potential. Enhance its ballistic firepower, and you’ll have the power to blast any ship out of the sky!

The Ravishing Razorleaf

Razorleaf Image credit: Bethesda

Built for: Combat, speed, and smuggling.

How to get: Complete the Starfield Mantis secret outpost mission.

Behold the Razorleaf, a stunning vessel that combines combat prowess, blistering speed, and even a touch of illicit cargo smuggling. As a quest reward, it won’t cost you a single credit. It’s time to unleash your inner space smuggler and enjoy the thrill of evading authorities while wielding a ship that packs a serious punch!

The Quirky Va’ruun Litany

Va’ruun Litany Image credit: Bethesda

Built for: Shield damage, grav jumps, and cargo space.

How to get: Steal it from enemy Va’ruun attacks.

The Va’ruun Litany is a ship with character. If you yearn to be a space trucker delivering goods across the cosmos, this is the vessel for you. Its exceptional grav jumping abilities and decent cargo space make it an ideal choice for aspiring couriers. Load up on ballistic weapons or add shielded cargo holds to transform this ship into the ultimate cosmic delivery vehicle!

The Mighty Star Eagle

Star Eagle Image credit: Bethesda

Built for: Combat, defense, and boarding enemy ships.

How to get: Complete the Freestar Rangers faction questline and make the Starfield Ron Hope choice.

Giddy up, space cowboys and cowgirls! The Star Eagle, earned through the Freestar Rangers faction questline, is as sturdy as it is captivating. This intimidating vessel excels at disabling enemy ships, making it the perfect companion for the venturesome Freestar Rangers. Consider upgrading its hab modules to maximize its potential as a powerful force in the galaxy!

The First Pterosaur: A Hidden Gem

The First Pterosaur Image credit: Bethesda

Built for: Combat in all forms.

How to get: Steal it from the First enemies in the Freestar Rangers’ questline.

Prepare for a breathtaking surprise! The First Pterosaur, an underrated ship discovered during missions for the Freestar Rangers, is sleek, powerful, and endlessly adaptable. Modify it to your heart’s desire by removing visual elements or swapping them out for more functional components. It’s the hidden gem waiting to be claimed by the daring space explorer!

The Starborn Guardian: A Legendary Reward

Starborn Guardian Image credit: Bethesda

Built for: Everything except smuggling and modification.

How to get: Complete the game and start New Game Plus.

Congratulations, space veteran! By completing the game and conquering the final frontier, you unlock the legendary Starborn Guardian in the glorious realm of New Game Plus. This extraordinary ship boasts exceptional stats, unique weaponry, and abilities that can awe even the most seasoned spacefarer. Just remember, this ship embraces its true essence and cannot be modified, making it a symbol of everlasting grandeur!

And there you have it, folks! The crème de la crème of Starfield starships. Each one offers a thrilling journey filled with danger and adventure. So, set your course, customize your cosmic chariot, and unleash your inner space legend. But remember, these ships are waiting to be discovered, so dive into the vast universe of Starfield and embark on the adventure of a lifetime!

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